Historical NSA Posters

In our efforts to uncover and share various interdisciplinary resources including materials that have both a textual and visual basis for added informational perspective.

A historical example that touches on the topic of Security from a Political Science, International Relations, Business, Scientific, and additional fields of enterprise can be found in a site that showcases 1950s-70s posters created by the National Security Agency (NSA).

Through the generous efforts that fall under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) these images have been made available to the public for research purposes.

The link to this site can be found here = https://governmentattic.org/28docs/NSAsecurityPosters_1950s-60s.pdf

For additional information on this topic and research assistance on any subject, please feel free to contact us via the following site = https://library.shu.edu/library/research-appointments

Best wishes and success to everyone for the Spring Semester!

Podcast on Social Media, Religion, and Feminism – Dr. Ruth Tsuria

We are happy to announce the latest installment of the University Libraries podcast series entitled: Zet Forward. This podcast entitled: “Social Media, Religion, and Feminism with  Dr. Ruth Tsuria”

features an interview with Dr. Ruth Tsuria who collaborated with Dr. Heidi A. Campbell (Professor at Texas A&M University) on the edited work: Digital Religion, Understanding Religious Practice in Digital Media, 2nd ed. (Routledge, 2021)

Digital Religion, Understanding Religious Practice (Publishers Site)

Ruth Tsuria, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Communications at Seton Hall University and is a prolific author having published articles in various academic outlets, such as The International Journal of Communication, The Communication Review, and Social Media + Society along her book volumes.

Ruth Tsuria, Ph.D. – Faculty Profile

This podcast covers the work of Dr. Tsuria along her work to further scholarship and awareness of topics related to Communication, Social Media, and Feminism along with their varied intersections in a historical and contemporary context.

You can find this podcast at Podcast @ Seton Hall University.

Zet Forward is a podcast to celebrate authors and other individuals who are involved with projects for the benefit of Seton Hall University and the wider world.  The series began in February of 2022.

Exploring New Subjects in 2023

In celebration of the New Year and the in spirit of embracing the start of anything and everything that might be of personal interest, the University Libraries has several resources related to the origin stories on a wide range of topics and subject areas.

Included below is a link to various resources that can serve as a beginning point if you want to look at specific items found within our collection =

Starter List of Resources – Origins

For additional information on this topic and research assistance on any subject, please feel free to contact us via the following site = https://library.shu.edu/library/research-appointments

Wishing each of you a Joyous 2023 Ahead!

Mother Seton Library Guide

January 4th marks the Feast Day of the first American-born Saint and the Patroness of Our University, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. We have numerous resources both print and in electronic form. This information is openly shared with our local community and access is provided to interested parties across the globe. Included below is a link to our specialized site devoted to the life, writings, and legacy of Mother Seton. Regardless of the source type each item found on this site is available for reference purposes. Additional materials are also added on a regular basis.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton & Family Library Guide = https://library.shu.edu/st-elizabeth-ann-seton

For additional information and research assistance related to Mother Seton, or any research project of interest please feel free to contact us via the following site = https://library.shu.edu/library/research-appointments



Religious Holidays and Christmas Traditions at Seton Hall

As we celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Rohastu, Zarahosht Diso, and other sacred holidays this December, we pause to honor the histories associated with each of these faith-based traditions.

The Seton Hall University Libraries provides our research community with scholarly and popular resources that explore the foundations of solemn celebratory events. Start your pursuit of information via the following link to our  Online Book Catalog.

In addition, we are adding newly created resources and notices about all Religious Holidays, especially Christmas and Hanukkah on a local and global basis including:

History of Christmas at Seton Hall University Podcast

University Libraries Blog Archive – Christmas

University Libraries Blog Archive – Hanakkuh

The University Libraries staff wishes everyone a Joyous and Healthy Holiday Season ahead. We look forward to seeing you and serving your information needs in 2023!


SHU Libraries Database Spotlight: PolicyMap

By Sara Makler, Adjunct Librarian

At SHU, we have access to some great resources that will help you with your assignments and research. One of them is PolicyMap. 

PolicyMap is an online mapping and geographic information system (GIS) tool with access to a wide range of data, including demographics, real estate, health, jobs, and more. This allows you to create a map of a given area – an address or a zip code – and look at the assorted data for that area. You can use the existing data or upload your own, which will allow you to visually analyze your data. You can then save, download and print your map to use in presentations or in your own research. 

This is an excellent tool! To use it, go to the library homepage at https://library.shu.edu/home and click on Databases. 

Once on the database page, use the search box to search for PolicyMap. 

Alternatively, go directly here: https://library.shu.edu/PolicyMap 

For more information about data resources at SHU, please visit: https://library.shu.edu/data 

For more information about Data Ethics, please visit: https://library.shu.edu/dataethics 


SHU Libraries Database Spotlight: ICPSR

By Sara Makler, Adjunct Librarian

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (or ICPSR) is, as the name implies, a consortium of universities who seek to collect, preserve, and disseminate social science data. ICPSR contains a vast quantity of data available to the SHU community. The data includes studies and files in areas such as population, economics, education, health, social and political behavior, social and political attitudes, history, crime, aging, and substance abuse. This trove of data can help you with research for assignments. 

You can easily search by topic and find data and the publications associated with it. This allows the use of these publications with an eye towards the actual data as well as the authors’ use of that data, enabling you to gain a familiarity with the use of raw data that you may not otherwise obtain. 

This is extremely useful. To get to ICPSR, go to the library homepage at https://library.shu.edu/home and click on Databases. 

Once on the database page, use the Search box to find “ICPSR”. 

 Alternatively, go directly here: https://library.shu.edu/ICPSRsite 

For more information about data resources at SHU, please visit: https://library.shu.edu/data 

For more information about Data Ethics, please visit: https://library.shu.edu/dataethics 


SHU Libraries Database Spotlight: Statista

By Sara Makler, Adjunct Librarian

Statista is one of the world’s largest providers of statistical data. It consolidates data from over 22,500 sources from around the world, related to over 80,000 topics. If you are working on an assignment that requires statistical data, you are likely to find something on Statista. In addition to the raw data, Statista provides related studies that can help with research assignments. While Statista is known among business and marketing majors, it has data about numerous other topics, such as social sciences and health. 

Statista will benefit your research in almost any assignment that calls for data use. At SHU, you can find it here: https://library.shu.edu/statista 

Or follow the instructions below to get there. 

Go to the library homepage at https://library.shu.edu/home and click on Databases. 

Once on the database page, use the search box to search for Statista. 

For more information about data resources at SHU, please visit: https://library.shu.edu/data 

For more information about Data Ethics, please visit: https://library.shu.edu/dataethics 


SHU Libraries Database Spotlight – African American Catholic Resources

November is African American Catholic Month. In recognition of this significant subject area, and promoting research opportunities, there are various information-centered resources hosted by the Seton Hall University Libraries to aid with your exploration.

Included are the following specialized sites . . .

American Theological Library Association (ATLA)


Catholic News Archive


Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA) Portal


Catholic Studies Databases


For more information on these and other sites, specific African American Catholic projects, and other research endeavors please feel free to reach out to me at: Alan.Delozier@shu.edu or book an appointment for consultation via the following site – https://library.shu.edu/research-appointments

Happy Exploration!


End of Semester Library Hours

End of Semester Library Hours

As we come to the end of the semester, please remember that if you want to meet with a librarian about your research, you should make an appointment early, as appointments go quickly.

Our hours will begin to change as we approach the holidays and final exams.

Thanksgiving Week

The library will be closed for Thanksgiving from Wednesday, November 23, to Saturday, November 26. It will reopen at 11AM on Sunday, November 27.

Normal hours will resume from November 27 to December 4:

Monday – Friday 8am – midnight

Saturday 9am – 5pm | Sunday 11am – midnight

On December 5, Final Exam hours begin. Hours are as follows:

From Monday, December 5th – Friday, December 9th – 8am – 3am

Saturday, December 10th:            9am – midnight

Sunday, December 11th:               11am – midnight

24/7 Period

Starting at 8am Monday, December 12 and ending at 11pm on Tuesday, December 20, the library will be open 24 hours a day.

Wednesday, December 21: 8am to 5pm

From Thursday, December 22 to Monday, January 2, 2023, the library is CLOSED.

We wish everyone a successful end of the semester!