Call for Fellows: Data Visualizations Using the D’Argenio Collection

Call for Fellows: Data Visualizations Using the D’Argenio Collection

          • Seton Hall University – University Libraries (Fall 2021)
          • Application Deadline: July 15, 2021
          • Fellowship Period: Fall 2021


Seton Hall University Libraries support excellence in academic and individual work, enable inquiry, foster intellectual and ethical integrity and respect for diverse points of view through user-focused services and robust collections as the intellectual and cultural heart of the University.  Walsh Gallery, based in the Library, manages the University’s museum collections, and the Library’s Data Services division assists the University community in managing and presenting their data.

One of Seton Hall University’s most distinguished collections, the D’Argenio Collection of Coins and Antiquities, includes coins of ancient Greece, the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire and Byzantium as well as a small collection of related Byzantine and Etruscan artifacts: oil lamps, game pieces, weights and terra cotta figurines. Donor Ron D’Argenio became interested in ancient coins when taking courses in Greek drama and history as an undergraduate at Fordham University in the 1970’s. In 2001, he generously donated his collection to Seton Hall University in memory of his father, Rinaldo J. D’Argenio, who served in World War II and was awarded a Bronze Star for his valor. Ron D’Argenio is a practicing attorney working in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. The collection is available for study and research by students and scholars.

Data Services offers consultations to SHU community members assisting them with every stage of a data project from conceptualization, to choosing tools, to data analysis, to sharing results.  Find more on the tools supported here:

Request for Proposals

The University Libraries seeks fellowship proposals using the Ron D’Argenio Collection as the basis for projects in the following two areas:

          • Classics, Art History or History : a scholar from one of these fields, a related field or interdisciplinary scholar who would be able to analyze the collection in its historical context and add to our knowledge of the objects.
          • Data Visualization: a specialist in data visualization, who would be able to create – in conversation with the humanities scholar (above) – an interactive visual representation of the collection that would allow users to explore the objects by interpreting and presenting the data in a number of ways (see all the coins within a certain date range, or all coins from a particular region, for example).

Specialists who have at minimum completed all coursework for the the terminal degree in their area are invited to propose research projects that fall under one or both of the above areas. Preference will go to the strongest applications that are both feasible for this collection and our technology infrastructure. All projects should incorporate the Ron D’Argenio Collection of Coins and Antiquities.  The final product for the Classics/Art History/History scholar would take the form of a short (5-7 page) written report interpreting the collection which would additionally be shared with the University community as an article or lecture.  The Data Visualization scholar would be responsible for producing a data visualization project which would be publicly presented on the University Libraries website and the process of creation described in an article or lecture.  Beyond the duration of the fellowship, the work of both fellows will inform future initiatives with the collection.

You can view a small portion of the Ron D’Argenio Collection of Coins and Antiquities on our Google Arts and Culture page or you may make a research appointment to gather additional data and/or view the collection by contacting us at or 973-275-2033.

Terms/Eligibility for Fellowships

Scholars who at minimum have completed all coursework for the terminal degree in their field may apply.  Work can be performed remotely for the most part.  Access to the collections on site is conducted in a socially distanced environment compliant with all recommendations aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19.  The University Libraries will provide each fellow with access to its library databases and resources, accounts in and support for the data software available, an email address and access to Microsoft Teams software for collaboration and Sharepoint for storage space.  Fellows will be expected to give a presentation or write an article on their project to share with the University community by the fall of 2022.

Fellows will be paid a stipend of $2,500 for projects that focus on one of the two areas. Half will be paid on award, half on project completion.  Applicants may propose a project that incorporates both Classical scholarship and data visualization for a combined $5000 to be disbursed in the same way.


Submit a single pdf including the following components as an email attachment to :

          • an application cover sheet (which includes your name, project title, contact information and a short bio.
          • a two-page statement (roughly 500 words), describing your research project and its relation to the Ron D’Argenio Collection of Coins and Antiquities, in which you explain how it fits into your past research (if applicable) and future plans.
          • a curriculum vitae
          • a recent example of scholarship


Submissions must be received by July 15, 2021. Applicants will be notified by September 1, 2021. Research should take place in the fall of 2021, and the project results (written work or data visualization) completed by May 31, 2022. The lecture or article on the project should take place in the spring or fall of 2022. Please contact Sarah Ponichtera, Assistant Dean of Special Collections and the Gallery at sarah.ponichtera@shu .edu with any questions.

Come Celebrate Shakespeare at the University Libraries

To mark the 457th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth, University Libraries highlights resources focused on one of the world’s greatest playwrights.

If you would like to watch productions of Shakespeare’s most famous plays, please check out the BBC Shakespeare Plays. This collection features 37 plays produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

The New Oxford Shakespeare presents an entirely new consideration of all of Shakespeare’s works, edited from first principles from the original texts themselves, and drawing on the latest textual and theatrical scholarship. The Oxford Scholarly Editions Online brings the content of all three print volumes together as one powerful resource.

Additionally, University Libraries subscribes to some of the top Shakespeare studies journals including: Shakespeare, Shakespeare Quarterly and Shakespeare Studies. Shakespeare is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of Shakespeare. It publishes articles on criticism, performance, and the history of Shakespeare and his works. Shakespeare Quarterly is peer-reviewed journal published for the Folger Shakespeare Library by the Oxford University Press. The journal publishes original works related to all aspects of Shakespeare studies. Shakespeare Studies is a peer-reviewed volume published annually with a focus on Shakespeare studies and theatre. The journal features the work of performance scholars, literary critics, and cultural historians.

Lastly, the Library provides access to subscription-based or open-access scholarly resources such as Folgerpedia, Open-Source Shakespeare, JSTOR Understanding Shakespeare, and Shakespeare in the Digital Age from the University of Notre Dame.

Ophelia Master’s Thesis Gets 2000 Hits: Mystery Solved?

The master’s thesis: Ophelia’s Mistreatment and Ignored Monastic Opportunities by Seton Hall graduate Danielle Tovsen has been downloaded nearly 2000 times since the end of 2017. Tovsen graduated from Seton Hall in 2010 with an MA in English. She argues in her thesis “that Ophelia could have saved her own life if she had left home and fled to a nunnery; the treatment she received from Laertes and Polonius was worse than Hamlet’s treatment of her throughout the play.”

Dr. Marta Deyrup, Outreach and Humanities Librarian at University Libraries, discovered the thesis while doing research on Shakespeare in the Seton Hall eRepository. The high number of downloads impressed Dr. Deyrup, which led her to contact Dr. Chrysanthy Grieco, the advisor on the thesis and both a former dean of University Libraries and chair of the English Department. Dr. Grieco could not answer why it has had close to 2000 hits, but she did say “that’s an astounding number for an MA paper.” She also guessed “that those interested in feminist texts—though I doubt this is one—found some yeast for their bread” in Tovsen’s work.

Another interesting aspect of the mystery is the location of the downloads. A good number of the downloads were from educational institutions such as the Michigan Statewide Educational Network and Orange County Department of Education. Dr. Deyrup thinks this might indicate the thesis is being used to support the research of middle and high school students.

Get to Know the Library Staff! Patrick McCall

Patrick McCall is the library’s Records Manager and Digital Specialist. He handles institutional records from across campus, and is working through the Everest that is the backlog of Seton Hall archival collections. He graduated in 2019 and this is first full time position in the field.

1. How long have you been working at the library?
I’ve worked at Walsh Library since November of 2019.

2. What was the last book you read that you really enjoyed? 
I recently finished Star Wars: Light of the Jedi.

3. Print book or ebook? 
Always print books!

4. What superpower would you want? 
The ability to stop time, because then I would have enough time to sleep and read AND binge TV.

5. Are you a morning person or a night owl? 
Night owl. If I could stay in bed until noon every day, I would.

American Library Association Midwinter Conference Recap 

American Library Association Midwinter Conference Recap 

by Chelsea BarrettChelsea Barrett

The 2021 ALA Midwinter Conference which took place virtually January 22-26 was full of amazing presentations and presenters! There were engaging talks, revelations and roundtables focusing on various areas of librarianship, on topics ranging from antiracism and women’s suffrage to algorithmic bias and gaming. Some of the talks included high-profile names such as Ziggy Marley, Ruby Bridges, Dr. Jill Biden, Ibrahm X. Kendi, and the late, great Cicely Tyson. Here are a few highlights from conference: 

Friday, January 22 

Natalie Baszile 

Bazile, the author of the book “Queen Sugar” which has since been made into a television series, spoke on the desire to shift the narrative on agriculture, farming, and labor. In her new book “We are Each Other’s Harvest”, Bazile discusses land ownership and land stewardship from a nonfiction lens, seeking to include the complicated history of black farmers and agriculture into the perception of farming and land. This was an engaging talk steeped in history and cultural context which makes her new book must-read. 

Recommended Read: We Are Each Other’s Harvest: Celebrating African American Farmers, Land, and Legacy 

Ruby Bridges 

Civil rights activist Ruby Bridges, spoke of her new book “This is Your Time” which speaks on her experience as the first black student in a desegregated elementary school, all at the age of 6 years old. In the telling of her story, Bridges speaks on how her recently passed mother gave her the determination, inspiration, and strength to get through the hateful and impassioned situation she was placed. Some of the pertinent themes were the protection of Bridges innocence by her parents as well as the protection and support given to Bridges by one of her white, female teachers. This was a very inspired talk and alludes to the deep messages embedded in this work. 

Recommended Read: “This is Your Time” 

Saturday, January 23 

Ibrahm X. Kendi and Keisha N. Blain 

#1 New York Times bestselling author Ibrahm X. Kendi and award-winning historian, professor and writer Keisha N. Blain discussed a new book they both co-edited titled “Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America 1619-2019”. This work involved the bringing together of 80 black writers to write about the history of community, regardless of gender, immigration, and other factors. Of the 80 different writers, who wrote 5 years of African American history (400 years), there are10 poets who wrote poems as interludes In the process of writing this book, the writers not only reflected history but also made history in the process.  

Recommended Read: “Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America 1619-2019”

Ziggy Marley 

Eight-time Grammy Award winner, author, philanthropist, and reggae icon Ziggy Marley spoke at the ALA Conference and shared two up and coming books— “My Dog Romeo” and “Music is in Everything”. He explained that many of the ideas for these books came from encounters with nature and his children, showing the organic nature of his thought process. If that was not enough of a treat, Ziggy Marley then proceeded to grace us with a musical performance of Music is in Everything! These children’s books are ones to place on your shelves! 

Recommended Reads:  “My Dog Romeo”       

  “Music is in Everything” 

Sunday, January 24 

Cicely Tyson 

It was an honor to hear the legendary Cicely Tyson speak at the ALA Midwinter Conference, 4 days before her passing. Throughout her illustrious career she has taken on roles which served a purpose to her personal philosophy on advocating for Black women and promoting positivity in the midst of a tortured history. During her talk, Mrs. Tyson spoke on the release of her autobiography “Just As I Am: A Memoir”, a timely release for such a sensational woman. She spoke on her experience as an actress, highlighting issues for Black women actresses, economic issues that impacted the industry and offered inspirational and enlightening advice to the audience. She spoke with an earnest tone, wanting to uplift those who read her memoir to not be swayed by her experiences but rather motivated to combat these challenges and rise above any obstacle life may bring. Again, it was an honor to hear Mrs. Tyson speak and it is a privilege that her legacy lives on in her wonderful memoir. 

Recommended Read: “Just As I Am: A Memoir 

Ian Kitajima

Ian Kitajima, the Oceanit Director of Corporate Development, “Corporate Intrapreneur of the Year” (2017) and “Social Impact Enterprise of the Year(2018) spoke on Artificial Intelligence as it currently exists and the implications of AI going forward. One of the highlights of this talk was the presentation of a video which showed a Google Assistant making an actual haircut appointment for the user in real-time! It was using Google Duplex which is something that may be worth exploring. There was also talk of the changing landscape where data can be a superpower skill for students and the overall community. Other examples shown were how Artificial Intelligence can be used to measure social distancing by honing into how far apart people are from one another and a video game where the person is the controller. Clearly, the world of AI is continuing to grow and as Mr. Kitajima pointed out, we must evolve with it! 

Recommended Viewing: SHU Libraries Data Ethics and Literacy Guide 

Monday, January 25 

Dr. Jill Biden 

The closing speaker for the conference was First Lady of the United States Dr. Jill Biden, a lifelong educator, community college professor, author, and advocate for the rights and welfare of women, girls, and people with disabilities. During her talk she focused on the importance of reading and learning, specifically homing in on her love of reading and the joy and beauty found in books. Dr. Biden stated that loving to read means loving to learn and through that learning process comes connection, understanding, compassion and wisdom from those who came before us. Through learning, who we are and who we can become are revealed and what a better place to discover yourself than within a library! Libraries fulfil a purpose as a place of information for all, a place for community and a place where expertise and education are offered. Utilize this space for exploration and develop critical information skills and you will be on your way! 

Recommended Reads:  

Where the Light Enters: Building a Family, Discovering Myself 

JOEY: The Story of Joe Biden

For more information on up-and-coming events, please continue to visit this blog and follow @SHU_Libraries on Instagram and Twitter  




SHU Celebrates Women’s History Month with the West Indian Student Organization (WISO)

In honor of Women’s History Month, the Walsh Library partnered with SHU’s West Indian Student Organization (WISO) for the second iteration of WISO Reads! We are excited to highlight Caribbean authors and provide an associated list of reading recommendations. A large and hearty thank you to Ijah Penn, the treasurer of SHU WISO for the extensive work she put into compiling these resources!

    1. Zelma “Zee” Edgell is Belizean born American author. She was born in Belize City, British Honduras now known as Belize. Edgell studied journalism at the school of modern languages at the Polytechnic of Central London and continued her education at the University of the West Indies. From 1981 to 1987, she served at the first Director of the Women’s Bureau in the Government of Belize and later became the Director of the Department of Women’s Affairs. She spent several years living in places such as Jamaica, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Somalia working with Peace Corps to provide aid to such countries. She passed away on December 20th, 2020.

Recommended Read:

        • Edgell’s debut Novel, Beka Lamb (1982), showcases the early years of the nationalist movement in British Honduras (Belize) from the eyes of a growing and maturing teenage girl named Beka Lamb. The book deals with and discusses social insecurity, racial prejudice, educational pressures, societal pressures, poverty, and the influence of conservatism on womanhood and freedom. The novel also discusses the struggle of being a woman in Belize due to the result of the social, governmental, and societal struggles Belize had place upon them. Edgell goes into detail focusing on the process of womanhood in the development from childhood to young adulthood.
    1. Erna Brodber is a Jamaican writer, sociologist, and social activist. She has established herself as a major voice in Caribbean literature through her narratives drawing upon the experience of the oral and scribal traditions of the African diaspora, mixing modernist literature with folk tales. Brodber was born in Saint Mary Parish, Jamaica. She received her BA from University College of the West Indies, followed by earning her MSc and PhD with a predoctoral fellowship in psychiatric anthropology. Brodber became a sociology lecturer and researcher at the Institute for Social and Economic Research in the University of the West Indies where she collected several oral histories of the elders in rural Jamaica. She challenges western ways of ordering the world and resurrects myth and tradition in order to provide those rehabilitation form the lost of ancestry and psychic damage due to slavery and colonialism.

Recommended Reads:

        • Myal (1988) is a novel that explores the link between people of two areas of the black diaspora, the Afro-Americans, and the Afro-Jamaicans. The story is of a women’s cultural and spiritual struggle in colonial Jamaica.
        • Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home (1980) is a book that reflects an internal sociological perspective that takes readers on a journey. Broder breaks down the life of Nellie, the main narrator, into vignettes that explore the complexity of Nellie’s childhood, sexuality, and search for identity under the circumstances of Jamaica and colonial legacy.
        • Nothing’s Mat (2014) is a story told by a young black British teenager as she navigates life and the topic of family history and comments on anthropological methodology as well as the African system of thought.
    1. Paule Marshall is an American-born novelist with emigrant parents from Barbados. She is very well known for writing very telling narratives of Caribbean communities within America. After going to school to be a social worker, she changed course, majored in English Literature, and then began to write. She is very well known for encouraging Black identity from an Afrocentric perspective, detailing a coming-of-age motif in many of her works.

Recommended Read:

        • Brown Girl, Brownstone (1959) is a novel about a young girl named Selina Boyce growing up in a small black immigrant community where she is caught between her mother who wants to conform to the ideals of new home and participate in making the American Dream into a reality while her father longs to go back to the security of his home in Barbados. The themes this story discusses are travel, migration, and the need to find belonging or wholeness within a community.
    1. Nicole Dennis-Benn is a Jamaican novelist best known for her debut novel, Here Comes the Sun, which earned the title “Best Book of the Year” by the New York Times. Dennis-Benn was born and raised in Kingston Jamaica. She is a graduate of Cornell University and holds a Master of Public Heath from the University of Michigan and an MFA in Creative Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Dennis-Benn is a founder of the Stuyvesant Writing Workshop. Dennis-Benn in her novel discusses the conservatism of Jamaica as her characters struggle with their forbidden love for another of the same sex, this is relative to her life as Dennis-Been identifies as queer and is currently married with her wife in Brooklyn, New York.

Recommended Reads:

        • Here Comes the Sun (2017), is a novel that explores the world hidden among the pristine beaches of Jamaica. A young girl by the name of Margot, hustles by trading to send her sister Thandi to school. The story talks about forbidden love, the violent social consequence of same-sex love within a small community, the very real and pressing struggles of poverty and the complexities both social and economic, of commercial development in the Caribbean.
        • Patsy (2019) is a novel that takes a look at motherhood, immigration, and sacrifice. It is a story of a woman and her two daughters fighting for survival in their drought-stricken Jamaican town as it takes a powerful look at issues of poverty, colorism, and homophobia in Jamaica.
    1. Oonya Kempadoo is a novelist born in the United Kingdom from parents of Guyanese lineage though she grew up in Guyana. Kempadoo works freelance as a researcher and consultant in the arts, private sector with youth and international organization focusing on social development. She is also the co-founder of the Grenada Community Library and Resource Center and served as a National juror for the Scholastic Arts & Writing Awards 2019-2020.

Recommended Reads:

        • Buxton Spice (1997) is a story of a young girl’s growing sexual awareness and sexuality in the multi-racial society of Guyana disintegrating under a corrupt government.
        • Tide Running (2001) is set in Tobago as an account of young couple as it raises question about relationships, wealth, responsibility, racial, cultural and class differences. Additionally, the novel takes a look at the predicament of a young society in Tobago that looks to America for fantasies and heroes and not reality.
      1. Esmeralda Santiago is a prominent Puerto Rican author in the United States. She writes memoirs that encapsulate her own assimilation into this American culture and way of life, which allow others with similar experiences to relate and feel represented. Her writing showcases themes of self-discovery, immigration, working-class immigrant experience and biculturalism.

Recommended Read:

        • When I was Puerto Rican (1994) is a memoir about author Esmerelda Santiago and her story. She speaks of her journey during her early years in Puerto Rico, her travels to New York and many highlights along the way, including her receiving high honors at Harvard. This work emphasizes Santiago’s experience with assimilating in order to feel represented, both as a woman and as one who migrated from another country trying to find her identity in a sea of adversity.

Please continue to visit our blog for more instances of WISO Reads and other reading recommendations.

To get involved with SHU WISO or learn more about their organization, follow their Instagram page: shu_wiso

Follow the hashtags #caribbeanreads #WISOReads

Women’s History Month – The Period Movement @ SHU

This Women’s History Month, Seton Hall University Libraries is excited to work with The Period Movement @ SHU to highlight items in our collection that intersect with their mission to end period poverty and stigmas around menstruation.

Their collection can be found at

Interested in reading these items? The items in this book display are mostly eBooks which can be read anywhere, the physical items can be placed on hold.

Want to learn more about this group or join them?

The Period Movement @ SHU fights to end period poverty and stigmas through service, education, and advocacy. We aim to serve menstruators in the populated communities around us, especially those who are not fortunate enough to have access to sanitary products. We recognize that menstruation is a burden to many, causing financial strains as well as reproductive health problems that are not widely taught in school. Along with these burdens, there are many cultural and societal stigmas that are not widely acknowledged and instead kept behind closed doors. Every menstruator should feel encouraged to discuss their personal experiences with the world, slowly changing the taboo mentality that society today holds towards reproductive health. In order to normalize open conversation about menstruation, we aim to use our chapter to encourage discussion in our own community, starting right here on campus. Our club is about serving the communities around us, including women and students in cities such as South Orange, Newark, and even New York City.

In order to get involved, please contact Period Movement:

Get to Know the Library Staff! Victor Eubanks

Victor Eubanks is the Institutional Repository Coordinator. If you are faculty and have a Selected Works profile, he probably keeps it up to date. He started as a Catalog Assistant 17 years ago, entering library materials into the system. Now, he ensures that the information in the various categories of the erepository is correct and easily accessible.

Victor Eubanks

  1. How long have you been working at the library? 17 years.
  2. What is a book that everyone should read? Non-fiction: Year 501 by Noam Chomsky | Fiction: John Dies at the End by David Wong.
  3. What are you watching these days? 2 Sentence Horror Stories, Desus & Mero, Snowfall, just to name a few.
  4. Last music concert you attended? Immortal Technique .
  5. What is the best way to rest / decompress? On a day off, sleep until I wake up naturally, then go to a record store.
  6. What is your favorite spot on campus? The tables by the student center.
  7. Do you have a good take-out or delivery spot you’d recommend? Munchies, a great Jamaican restaurant in S. Orange.
  8. What advice would you give to your 20-year old self? Go on more road trips. It’s the best way to see the country
  9. What is your favorite app? Youtube. There is so much history. Speeches and interviews that I never heard or saw.
  10. What is a skill you are working on mastering? I’ll have to get back to you on that one!
  11. What is something most people don’t know about you? All of the different types of music that I like.
  12. What’s one ingredient you put in everything? Cayenne pepper.
  13. What person living or dead would you like to have dinner with? My grandfather. He passed away before I was born.


Seton Hall University Libraries Celebrate Open Education Week 2021

Open Education Week will take place this year from Monday, March 1st — Friday, March 5th. Started in 2012, Open Education Week is an opportunity to share and learn about the latest achievements in open education. Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with intellectual property licenses that facilitate the free use, adaptation and distribution of resources” (UNESCO, 2019).

To coincide with Open Education Week, University Libraries is sponsoring several events:

1. Wednesday, March 3rd from 12:30pm – 1:30pm the Center for Faculty Development is presenting an online workshop — Reducing Book Costs for Students with Open Educational Resources — co-sponsored with Seton Hall University Libraries. At this workshop, Seton Hall librarians will explain the benefits of OER, demonstrate how library resources can help bring down the cost of textbooks, and provide faculty with practical tools and resources for using open textbooks in their courses. To join the workshop click here.

2. Thursday, March 4th from 3:00pm – 4:00pm join us for a roundtable discussion on the benefits and challenges of integrating open educational resources, open textbooks and/or library e-resources in your courses. If you have had experience with open materials or are interested in learning more about them, we would love to hear from you. This event is open to faculty, administrators and students – come and be heard! To join the discussion on Teams click here.

3. Friday, March 5th @ 10:30 TLTC is hostinga virtual session Leveraging Open Educational Resources. Explore the wide range of Open Educational Resources (OER) that reside in the public domain and are free to use for teaching and learning. Register here.

4. Friday, March 5th from 10:00am-12pm, then 1:00pm-3:00pm Seton Hall Librarians will provide virtual office hours for anyone who has questions about OER. Feel free to meet with:

Prof. Gerry Shea (Communication Librarian)
10:00am-12pm Join on Teams

Prof. Kyle Downey (Nursing/Heath Science Librarian)
1:00pm-3:00pm Join on Teams

Prof. Lisa Rose-Wiles (Science Librarian)
10:00am-12pm Join on Teams
1:00pm-3:00pm Join on Teams

Want to learn more about OER?
Reach out to Prof. Gerry Shea | Explore our OER Research Guide here

Seton Hall University Libraries Joins HathiTrust

Seton Hall University Libraries has become the newest member of HathiTrust (, a global collaborative of research and academic libraries working towards its mission to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future.

Today, HathiTrust offers reading access to the fullest extent allowable by U.S. copyright law, computational access to the entire corpus for scholarly research, and other emerging services based on the combined collection.

HathiTrust members steward this collection under the aims of scholarly, not corporate, interests. HathiTrust holds the largest set of digitized books managed by the academic, research, and library community. This offers an unprecedented opportunity to steward the cultural record through increasingly interdependent work that develops capacity and sparks innovation.

Authorized Seton Hall University constituents can access Hathi Trust with their PirateNet credentials here.

For more information, see 2021 HathiTrust At-a-Glance [pdf]