New Environmental Database

GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources) is a new online resource that offers authoritative content on the development of emerging green technologies and discusses issues on the environment, sustainability and more.  GREENR combines news, unique commentary, audio, video, primary source documents, case study statistics and more into a Web-like experience designed to attract attention and foster participation.  PDF guide with more information

For more resources, see:




Yes we still have ScienceDirect!

We have received a few calls recently asking if we still have ScienceDirect, as some of you have had trouble accessing it. Yes, the library still subscribes to ScienceDirect!

If you are having a problem with off-campus access to ScienceDirect or any library database or resource, it may be because you are trying to link to it from Blackboard.

To resolve the problem: if you are working off campus, always access library databases and journals through the library homepage, or from your particular subject research guide.

For help with off-campus access, see our off-campus access guide or ask a librarian.