Podcast: Historical Scholarship on Brazil and Japan – Dr. Anne Giblin Gedacht & Dr. Kirsten Schultz

We are happy to announce the latest installment of the University Libraries podcast series entitled: Zet Forward. This podcast entitled: “Historical Scholarship on Brazil and Japan,” features an interview with Dr. Anne Giblin Gedacht and Dr. Kirsten Schultz from the Department of History, College of Arts & Sciences at Seton Hall University. Each discusses their respective research and writing process along with related perspectives on their recently published books.

Giblin, Anne Giblin. Tōhoku Unbounded: Regional Identity and the Mobile Subject in Prewar Japan. Brill, 2023.

Publication Website (Brill)

Schultz, Kirsten. From Conquest to Colony: Empire, Wealth, and Difference in Eighteenth-Century Brazil. Yale University Press, 2023.

Publication Website (Yale University Press)

Anne Giblin Gedacht, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of History at Seton Hall University has published in such academic centered journal articles as: Anne Giblin Gedacht, “The Girl from Wakamatsu: Narrative Afterlives of a Boshin War Refugee, 1868-2018,” Journal of Social History (Oxford University Press, Summer 2022): 1-24.  and Anne Giblin Gedacht, “Immobility through Motion: Historicizing Emigrant Regionalism in Japanese Proletarian Literature, 1929-1939,” Japan Studies Review vol. 26, (2022): 3-34, among other works of scholarship.

Dr. Anne Giblin Gedacht – Faculty Profile Page

Kirsten Schultz, Ph.D. is a Professor of History at Seton Hall University has published such titles and book chapters as: Atlantic Transformations and Brazil’s Imperial Independence,” In John Tutino, ed. New Countries: Capitalism, Revolutions, and Nations in the Americas, 1750-1870. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016 and Tropical Versailles: Empire, Monarchy, and the Portuguese Royal Court in Rio de Janeiro 1808-1821. 
Routledge, 2001
along with various academic centered journal chapters.

Dr. Kirsten Schultz – Faculty Profile Page

This podcast covers the work of both Dr. Anne Giblin Gedacht and Dr. Kirsten Schultz who have furthered the accessibility knowledge and awareness of topics related to Brazil, Japan, and Historical Scholarship along with their varied intersections in a historical and contemporary context.

You can find this podcast at: Podcast @ Seton Hall University.

Zet Forward is a podcast to celebrate authors and other individuals who are involved with projects for the benefit of Seton Hall University and the wider world.  The series began in February of 2022.

For additional information please feel free to contact us via e-mail at: University Libraries


Classical Music Month & University Libraries

September officially marks the celebration of Classical Music, but its wider appeal is evident throughout the year. The Seton Hall University Libraries offers several specialized resources devoted to this art form via specialized audio, visual, and print resources that can be found via the links found below:

Seton Hall University Libraries – Classical Music

Seton Hall University Libraries – Music Databases

Seton Hall University Libraries – Film Resources

Seton Hall University Libraries – Book Collection

Need help? Book a research appointment here: Research Appointment Site

English 1201/1202 Workshop – First Session

The University Libraries is pleased to offer students the opportunity to learn more about detailed research methods connected with their English 1201 or English 1202 coursework via our in-person and virtual workshop sessions. Our first session is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This link will take you to the registration site for this upcoming in-person meeting = https://shu.libcal.com/event/11108289

These specialized workshops are designed so students can meet with librarians if the instructor opts for the modules. We want students to know that even if they do instruction virtually, that there are librarians to help them during their time here on campus!

As to the value of these sessions, Maria Barca, Faculty Librarian and Coordinator for Instruction notes: “Students have really great resources on campus if they need help with their course work, from the Academic Resource Center to the Writing Center. We want to make sure students also know that they can sit down with a librarian and receive help with an assignment, especially if they need to do research through the Libraries’, find and assess sources, or use a citation style they may be unfamiliar with. Attending one of our workshops is a great way to get the one-on-one help they may need.”

Attendance is not required but highly encouraged so the librarians know how many students they should expect for each workshop. This will also impact on the number of librarians that will be present and we can devote full one-on-one attention to answering questions and supporting research needs.

For future reference, the full English 1201/1202 Workshop Schedule is listed below along with the format for each session being held during the Fall 2023 semester . . .

  • September = Wednesday 20th, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (in-person)
  • October = Thursday 12th, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. (virtual)
  • October = Tuesday 24th, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (in-person)
  • November = Tuesday 7th, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (virtual)
  • November = Thursday 30th, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. (in-person)
  • December = Thursday 7th, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (virtual)

In regard to future sessions, students will be asked to sign-up for the workshops through the University Libraries Calendar: https://shu.libcal.com/calendar?t=d&q=ENGL&cid=10971&cal=10971&inc=0

For more information, please contact Maria Barca at: maria.barca@shu.edu if you have any questions.

Contemplative Community Week, September 18-22, 2023

By Lisa Rose-Wiles, Professor/Science & Copyright Librarian Chair, Library Faculty Assembly

Depth. Connection. Wholeness. We are excited to announce our fourth annual Contemplative Community Week for September 18 – 22! This is a week of presentations, meditation, prayer, and contemplative practices aimed at inviting the whole Seton Hall community to promote holistic well-being, enter into study more thoughtfully and deeply, and form stronger personal and communal bonds. Events and resources for the week will be shared in a variety of modalities – in-person and virtual, indoor and outdoor, synchronous and asynchronous. We are grateful to our co-sponsors for bringing this week to fruition: the Center for Faculty Development, the Center for Catholic Studies, University Libraries, the TLTC, the Student Occupational Therapy Association, and Campus Ministry. Continue below for the full week’s schedule, links, and additional resources.

Monday, Sept. 18

Coloring for Contemplation

12:00pm – 2:00pm

Location 24-Hour Room, Walsh Library (across from Dunkin)

Drop by the 24-hour room to start the week with a relaxing coloring session featuring contemplation-inspired images. Coloring pages and crayons/colored pencils will be available free of charge.

One SHU, One Breath


Location: Wherever you are

At 1:00pm today all members of the SHU community are invited to pause whatever they are doing to take one deep, intentional breath. (The One University – One Breath initiative was originated by the Project for Mindfulness and Contemplation at the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota. We express our gratitude to our friends at St. Thomas for sharing this idea.)

Maker Event: A Virtual Reality Meditation Journey

2:00pm – 3:00pm

Location: Walsh Library, Space154

Escape the stress, pressure, and noise of everyday life and experience the calming and soothing meditation of virtual reality. By using Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, Meta Quest, and Merge 360 headsets, immerse yourself in the world of virtual reality. Please bring a cell phone with you. Registration is required: https://events.shu.edu/technology/event/29502-maker-event-a-virtual-reality-meditation-journey-for-f

Practice of the Day: Mindful Eating

Each day this week we will recommend a mindfulness practice. Today try eating one of your meals “mindfully”. Here’s how: https://ro.co/health-guide/mindful-eating/

Resource of the Day: Nod app

This app combines science and student-powered design to give students the skills they need to build meaningful social connections. Take guided steps to progress toward your social goals, complete exercises to reduce negative thoughts and build resilience, and hear from fellow students working toward the same goals. https://heynod.com/

Tuesday, Sept. 19

Contemplative Pedagogy and Trauma-Informed Care: Supporting Student Growth from Classroom to Clinic

12:00pm – 1:00pm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgRHa6VuMcQ

Location: Virtual (Teams)

In this video presentation Dr. Meryl Picard provides an overview of Contemplative Pedagogy and TIC principles, along with ideas to thoughtfully integrate Trauma-Informed Contemplative Pedagogy (TICP) into the classroom.

Practice of the Day: Mindful Pause

Today whenever you hear a bell or chime (a phone, on your computer, the bell on campus), stop whatever you are doing and take a deep breath before continuing with your activity. Resource of the Day: Headspace app

“Meditation and mindfulness for any mind, any mood, any goal.” Sleep better, reduce anxiety, relieve stress, feel better, relax. Free trial available (Students have free access to Headspace here).

Wednesday, Sept. 20

Contemplative Practices in the Classroom

12:00pm – 1:00pm

Location: Teams Click here to join the meeting

Join Dr. Ruth Tsuria and Dr. Chad Thralls for a discussion of resources they have created for faculty who would like to incorporate contemplative practices into their Core courses or other humanities courses.

Falling Leaves Picnic

12:30 -1:00

University Green (meet at the seal)

Bring your lunch or some snacks and join us for conversation. This will be followed by a Walking Meditation if you choose to participate. We will meet on the University Green at the seal.

Walking Meditation


Location: The Green (meet at the seal)

Join us to discover contemplation through movement with this walking meditation; it will be led by Dr. Kelly Shea of the English Department. We’ll meet at the seal.

Moonlight Mercy and Confessions

9:00 – 10:00pm

Location: Chapel of the Immaculate Conception

Come light a candle, say a prayer, and discover God’s gifts of peace and forgiveness in your heart. Sponsored by Campus Ministry.

Practice of the Day: Gratitude

Sit quietly. Reflect on the many things you are grateful for. Write down three of them.

Resource of the Day: Gratitude Revealed

Select from among 15 beautiful film shorts to explore what gratitude is, why it’s important and what we can all do to live more gracious lives: https://movingart.com/gratitude-revealed/

Thursday, Sept. 21

Kata Holos Conversation with Dr. Jonathan Heaps.


Location: Mooney Hall 339

Join Dr. Jonathan Heaps, an instructor with the university core, and moderator Dr. Patrick Manning of the ICSST for a candid conversation about what it means to strive for wholeness in one’s life, what practices and resources support this wholeness, and what sometimes gets in the way. Lunch will be provided and space is limited, so registration is required: https://events.shu.edu/event/29515-kata-holos-conversation-with-dr-jonathan-heaps

SHU Meditates

12:30 – 1:00

In Teams

Relieve stress and anxiety with a brief guided meditation session led by an experienced instructor.

Join in Teams https://events.shu.edu/event/29197-shu-meditates

Practice of the Day: Email/Text mindfully Learn how: https://www.mindful.org/the-six-rules-of-conscious-emailing/ Resource of the Day: Hallow app

“Hallow is an excellent resource for people searching for deeper spiritual lives….” A Catholic app for prayer and meditation, Hallow is also a resource for sleep, calming music, journaling, scripture, inspiration and more. https://hallow.com/

Friday, September 22

Contemplative Practices Open Discussion

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Jubilee 132

Would you like to learn more about contemplative practices? Are you interested in incorporating some into your daily routine or your classroom? Please join us for an informal discussion with some of us who are doing this and share your ideas and experiences. The session will begin with introductions and a guided meditation.

Practice of the Day: Beholding

Find a tree (or a stream or clouds, etc.) and watch it attentively for 5 minutes. Try to notice details that you would normally overlook. Resource: Garrison Institute Virtual Sanctuary

A virtual space for connection and balance. Participate in retreats and meditation sessions, learn about mental health and contemplative practice in webinars and articles, and explore other resources. https://www.garrisoninstitute.org/the-garrison-institute-forum/

IHS Campus Schedule:

Monday, Sept. 18

3:10pm – 4:10pm

Location: Rms. 3416/3418

Student Occupational Therapy Association. All IHS students are welcome.

Activities include Mindfulness BINGO, Zen corner, and mandala coloring.

Tuesday, Sept. 19

12:00 – 1:00pm Contemplative Pedagogy and Trauma-Informed Care: Supporting Student Growth from Classroom to Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgRHa6VuMcQ

Location: Virtual (Teams)

In this video presentation, Dr. Meryl Picard provides an overview of Contemplative Pedagogy and TIC principles, along with ideas to thoughtfully integrate Trauma-Informed Contemplative Pedagogy (TICP) into the classroom.

More Contemplative Community Week Opportunities:

Videos of previous Contemplative Community events Check out the Contemplative Community YouTube playlist for talks on how mindfulness can improve your performance in various areas of work and life, how to use technology mindfully, a musical meditation, and more.

Book Display at Walsh Library

Check out this display of books on mindfulness, contemplative practices and prayer, and a variety of other contemplative topics at the end of the reference book stacks on the second floor of the library (near the photocopiers and Dunkin Donuts).

Don’t want this week to end?

If you would like keep learning about contemplation and/or continuing nurturing a contemplative practice, consider the following: ○ Join the Contemplative Community Teams group (open to all) or the Contemplative Pedagogy Teams group (for faculty) to explore more resources and connect with others.

*  Join UpliftSHU, a student-run mental health club that upholds tenets of mindfulness, community and empowerment.

*  Join faculty and staff Thursdays at 12:30pm in Teams for a weekly guided meditation; check the Events calendar for the link.

*  Be on the lookout for announcements about spring 2023 faculty development opportunities.

*  Attend Moonlight Mercy every Wednesday 9:30-10:30pm in the main chapel or Sant’Egidio prayer every Thursday 4:00-4:30pm in the Xavier Hall chapel.

*  Download an app like Calm, Headspace, Hallow, or Integration

Share Your Feedback Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey and offer your feedback on Contemplative Community Week and/or share your contact info so you can stay connected with the Contemplative Community Initiative.

Need help? Book a research appointment here: Research Appointment Site


BrowZine – The Scholarly Journal Resource

The University Libraries is pleased to offer our research community access to BrowZine, a tool that is used by hundreds of academic institutions around the world that allows our research community to browse, read and follow thousands of the library’s scholarly journals.

In addition, BrowZine keeps track of your favorite journals making it easy to keep up with new developments in your field. It also can allow you to easily see similar titles to the ones you are familiar with in order to broaden your knowledge of related scholarly literature. Specific benefits of the BrowZine platform includes the ability to:

  • View academic journals from your phone or tablet.
  • Review table of contents of the journals you read regularly.
  • Click to select an article. If the library does not subscribe to an article, you will be directed to Interlibrary Borrowing to order a resource(s) right away.

Expert perspective on this resource is offered by Professor Gerry Shea, liaison to the College of Human Development, Culture and Media noted that: “The great thing about BrowZine is it makes it easy for you to use your phone to access thousands of academic journals. BrowZine is the best way to find academic journals available from the Seton Hall University Libraries!”

To learn more about Browzine, please review the Browzine Instruction Video along with the   Browzine Instruction Video and Browzine Subject Website for more information.

Need help? Book a research appointment here: Research Appointment Site

Exciting Fellowship Opportunity for All Seton Hall Students: New Jersey Wind Fellowship

Project Overview: The New Jersey Wind Institute Fellowship Program sponsored by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) features Seton Hall University as a participating institute. This program helps graduate and undergraduate students from all disciplines advance knowledge and expertise around offshore wind energy in the state of New Jersey.

This new program provides opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students to pursue research or projects focused on the offshore wind industry. Fellows will conduct independent research in collaboration with a Seton Hall faculty member to build student and faculty expertise in the offshore wind industry.

Fellows will together participate in industry training, guest lectures, site visits, and other activities to enhance their knowledge of the offshore wind industry and gain exposure to key industry stakeholders.

The Fellowship Program is open to students at Seton Hall from all disciplines and backgrounds. Past projects from students at other participating Wind Institute universities have spanned across the STEM, social sciences, and humanities fields.

Applications for the fellowship are open. The deadline to apply is August 25, 2023 with notification of acceptance coming on August 31, 2023. The program will run from September 2023 until August 2024 (one academic year and one summer).

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Undergraduate students: rising juniors only (Class of 2025)
  • Graduate students: all graduate and professional students. The fellowship program is open to Seton Hall students from all fields of study.
  • No prior experience with offshore wind is required, but students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing.

Stipend Breakdown & Program Expectations:

  • Undergraduate fellows will be awarded a fellowship totaling $15,000 plus an additional $1,000 for travel, materials, and other fellowship expenses.
  • Fall and Spring: fellowship funds will amount to $4,800 per semester. Students are expected to work eight weeks per semester during the academic year, for no more than 10 hours per week.
  • Summer: fellows will receive $5,400 for nine weeks of summer research. Students are expected to work approximately 33 hours per week.
  •  Graduate fellows will be awarded a fellowship of $30,000, plus an additional $1,000 for travel, materials, and other fellowship expenses.

Applying: The New Jersey Wind Institute Fellowship opportunity application must include:

  • A proposal with a description (maximum of 2 pages) of the research project.
  • Brief personal statement (~250 words), explaining the students’ motivation for applying for the fellowship and what skills and past experience you bring to the project.
  • Resume or CV.
  • Unofficial transcript.
  • Letter of recommendation from the faculty mentor.

More Information: Please consult the New Jersey Wind Institute Fellowship Program website: https://library.shu.edu/NJWindFellowship for additional details.

Questions? Send fellowship inquiries to Prof. Jose L. Lopez at jose.lopez1@shu.edu

Civilization Prospects: Engaging Wicked Problems

A new and exciting Seton Hall University Conference “Civilizational Prospects: Engaging Wicked Problems” will be held Friday, November 17th, 9-4.30 p.m. in the Chancellor’s Suite. The Civilizational Prospects Project is requesting proposal submissions through September 20, 2023.

Organizers plan to offer an array of exciting sessions that consider the greatest challenges to the future of our civilization from one or more of four intersecting perspectives: evolutionary science, global studies, theology, and future studies. The objective of the conference is to foster interdisciplinary conversations that can integrate these four intellectual streams and forge continuing academic partnerships within Seton Hall and across the wider academic community. Most importantly, the aim is to explore concrete solutions or tangible pathways to address acute civilizational challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Conference co-chair Anthony Haynor observes that “in an age, they say, of so much information but too little wisdom, pondering our civilizational prospects could hardly be more important. We will be inviting scholars to our conference to reflect on where we are now, how we have gotten to this point, and how to meet the civilizational challenges that lie ahead.”

University Libraries faculty member and fellow conference co-chair Lisa Rose-Wiles, Ph.D. also notes that: “this conference is a fabulous opportunity for scholars from different disciplines and perspectives to come together to engage some of the world’s most difficult problems.”

The website for abstract submissions, due by September 30, 2023 is: https://www.shu.edu/conference-on-civilizational-prospects.html.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Professors Anthony HaynorLisa Rose-Wiles or Youssef Yacoubi.

The conference is co-sponsored by the Center for Catholic Studies and the Center for Vocation & Servant Leadership, and additionally supported by an Academies Seed Grant from the Office of the Provost.

Categories: Faith and Service, Research

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Rose-Wiles

(973) 275-2047


Accessing Library Resources Off-Campus

With the start of the Fall 2023 academic term looming in the next few weeks, the University Libraries is pleased to offer all students the opportunity to establish a head start on their preparation for the upcoming semester.

Connecting to our Homepage, specialized databases and other electronic-based resources can be used off-site at your convenience whenever and wherever you are located.

The following link will take you to the University Libraries Homepage which can be accessed by clicking on the following hyperlink =

University Libraries Homepage

Additionally, for any site that requires an ID and Password code, you can connect to the following specialized site here =

Off-Campus Connection to University Libraries

Wishing everyone success and satisfaction on your respective searches and the rest of your vacation time!

Need help? Book a research appointment here: Research Appointment Site

Resources on the Significance of Friendship – University Libraries

July marks the commemoration of International Friendship and its significance which extends across the globe. Making the acquaintance of others is not only a way to start dialogue, but also a learning experience on many levels. The history, dynamics, and informational nature of friendship is a means of learning the nature of this dynamic not only during the month of July, but year-round.

Celtic Knot – Symbol of Friendship

The following resources provided by the University Libraries offer a starting point for those who want to learn more about the significance of establishing contact with others.

Library Guide – Civic Engagement

Library Guide – Social Justice

Seton Cat – Articles on Friendship

Seton Cat – Books on Friendship

Need help? Book a research appointment here: Research Appointment Site

Infinity Symbol for Friendship

University Libraries & Independence Day Information Sources

In the spirit of educational liberty and learning about the observance of July 4th , University Libraries is delighted to share resources with the SHU Community. This day is an important federal holiday established to honor the unveiling of the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the birth of a new nation in 1776.

There have been several works produced that examine the Declaration of Independence and its backstory. This includes the people, politics, and spirit that have made the this document one of the most popular and respected of our national charters. The following resources provide a starting point:

History – Getting Started (Library Guide)

Declaration of Independence

American Revolution

*  Independence Day, American

Need help? Book a research appointment here: Research Appointment Site

Happy Independence Day Everyone!