Updated Maps For The 3rd and 4th Floor

If you’ve been up to the library’s 3rd and 4th floor recently, you may have noticed things are looking a little different!

Over the summer and continuing through the Fall Semester, library students, staff, and faculty have been busy shifting books around, and freeing up more space. This will allow room for future growth of the library’s collections.

As a result, you will see some open shelves on the 4th floor–we plan to move books into these areas as we continue to shift books for the rest of this semester.

Some call number ranges that were on the 4th floor, have moved down to the 3rd floor. The 3rd floor now houses call numbers PN 4181 – Z, and the 4th floor houses call numbers A – PN 4162.

We have updated our 3rd floor map to reflect these changes, here.

Unfortunately, keeping our 4th floor map updated with correct call number and locations is nearly impossible until the shifting is complete. If you need help finding any book, ask at our Circulation or Reference desks, on the 2nd floor.

We apologize for this disruption, but once this project is completed, you’ll find we have a much more user-friendly and easy-to-navigate book collection, for everyone.

We’ll keep sending out updates, and in the meantime you can contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns.

Sebastian Derry
Assistant Dean for Public Services
Seton Hall University Libraries

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