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Category: Ideas and Activities

Through Divine Mercy

In the face of heartbreak and tragedy, Barbara La Porte, M.A. ’13 relied on a steadfast faith in God. Her journey toward healing offers a remarkable lesson in the power of forgiveness.

When Barbara La Porte tells her story, she raises some of the hardest questions most of us will ever face: How do we make sense of tragedy? When another’s actions cause us suffering, how do we respond? When the unimaginable happens, where do we turn?

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Pirates In Print

The School Reform Landscape: Fraud, Myth, and Lies By Christopher H. Tienken, Ed.D. ’03/M.P.A. ’04 assistant professor of education, and Donald C. Orlich, Ph.D. (Rowman & Littlefield Education, $60) For 60 years, government proposals and policies have called for the reform of public education in the United States. Through the lens of Critical Social Theory,…

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