There’s no place like your Home at The Hall for the Holidays – Winter Break information

Residence Halls will close at 10am on Thursday, December 22nd for Winter Break and will reopen on Sunday, January 8th at 2pm.  For those students who will not be leaving for Winter Break due to work obligations, athletic competitions, or the distance being too far, Boland, Xavier, Ora, and Turrell are available for break housing.

Students who need break housing must apply for break housing through the application in their housing profile which will be available November 28th-December 12th at noon. If you do not live in Boland, Xavier, Turrell, or Ora, you must find a friend who will allow you to use their room during break.   Approvals for break housing will be sent via email by December 13th.

If you’re staying in a friend’s room for the break, it is your responsibility to get their key from them before they leave for break. Remember: break housing is a privilege and you are responsible for any damage or theft that occurs from your break housing room during the duration of your stay.

Please keep in mind that SHUFly Shuttle and SAFERide will not operate during break and that campus dining options will be limited.

If you are leaving for Winter break, please unplug everything, close your window shades, remember to pack everything you’ll need for the break (including medications and homework materials), and plan to be out of your room no later than 10am on Thursday, December 22nd.  We look forward to welcoming you back to campus on Sunday, January 8th at 2pm.

Wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2017!

What happens to meal plans from fall to spring semester?

hamburgerIf you’re on a meal plan during Fall 2017 and are registered to return for the Spring 2017 semester, your meal plan will automatically roll over to your account for use in the Spring.

Meal plan changes will open the week of December 1st and will continue through the last day of add/drop on January 17th.

Any unused Pirate Bucks will transfer to your Spring meal plan.

Commuters: this applies to you, too! If you do not wish to rollover your meal plan, please contact our office at 973-761-9172 so we may remove it from your account.

Not coming back? We’re sad to see you go, but first…

If your plans for Spring 2017 do not include living on campus, it’s time to fill out a Housing License Release Request form.  Please email the completed form to

(This includes those students who wish to student abroad, take a leave of absence, withdraw from the University, or who wish to commute.)

If you are registered as a full-time student, housing and meal plan charges for next semester will be added to your student account the week following Thanksgiving break.  If you do not wish to return to housing, please let us know so we won’t bill you for housing you do not wish to keep.

Now accepting new (and returning) Pirates to Housing for Spring 2017!

Let us welcome you to your Home at The Hall!
Let us welcome you to your Home at The Hall!

Are you hoping to move to campus this fall? Whether you’re a newly accepted freshman or transfer (congrats, btw!) or a current Pirate looking to return to housing from study abroad or a semester off, we’ve got housing for you!

To apply: Pay your housing deposit here (New students = $375, Returning to housing = $325)

Complete your housing application here (Click the orange “Start your survey” button.)

Room assignments will be made beginning in December and will continue as we receive applications into January. We can do our best to match you up with a desired roommate if your friend has a vacancy in their room for Spring 2017.

Staying here for Thanksgiving Break? Don’t forget to request Break Housing!

Residence Halls will close at 10am on Wednesday, November 23rd for Thanksgiving Break and will reopen on Sunday, November 27th at 2pm.  For those students who will not be leaving for Thanksgiving break due to work obligations, athletic competitions, or the distance being too far, Boland, Xavier, Ora, and Turrell are available for break housing.

Students who need break housing must apply for break housing through the application in their housing profile which will be available November 1st-November 15th at noon. If you do not live in Boland, Xavier, Turrell, or Ora, you must find a friend who will allow you to use their room during break.   Approvals for break housing will be sent via email by November 16th.

If you’re staying in a friend’s room for the break, it is your responsibility to get their key from them before they leave for break. Remember: break housing is a privilege and you are responsible for any damage or theft that occurs from your break housing room during the duration of your stay.

Please keep in mind that SHUFly Shuttle and SAFERide will not operate during break and that campus dining options will be limited.

If you are leaving for Thanksgiving break, please unplug everything, close your window shades, remember to pack everything you’ll need for the break (including medications and homework materials), and plan to be out of your room no later than 10am on Wednesday, November 23rd.  We look forward to welcoming you back to campus on Sunday the 27th at 2pm.

Happy, safe, and delicious Thanksgiving to all of our Pirates! Safe travels to and from campus!

Do you Tour SHU?

Want to know where a building is on campus or take a peek inside of our residence halls? Download our Tour Seton Hall mobile app for a GPS-guided tour of Seton Hall University’s beautiful campus and our surrounding South Orange village area.


Tour SHU is available on iTunes for Apple devices and in the Google play store for Android devices.

Spring registration is coming soon!

Just a reminder that spring registration is coming soon. According to the Housing License Agreement you agreed to when you applied to housing, you MUST be registered as a full-time student (12 or more credits unless graduating, student teaching, or participating in a clinical/internship) to reside in University housing.  Failure to register for Spring by the end of the Fall semester will result in your housing assignment being cancelled AND given away to a new, registered, student.  

The first step to registering is to take care of any holds you may have and to clear any balance on your student account.  You’ll need to meet with your advisor for a PIN and then you can sign up for classes.

If you do not plan to return for the Spring semester, please complete the Release of Housing License Request form.  

Stay tuned to your SHU email and PirateNet for more details on how and when to register for Spring 2017!

Occupancy Verifications: Why is my RA asking me to sign this spreadsheet?

Twice in the fall semester and once in the spring semester, your RA will come around to your room and ask you to sign a large roster acknowledging that you are, indeed, living where our software says you’re supposed to be living.  But why?

These rosters, called “Verifications” are crucial to assuring accurate billing of your student account. They also serve as a back-up roster to see if anyone has taken it upon themselves to switch rooms without permission. (Note: students who are found to have changed rooms without going through the proper HRL process will be held judicially responsible.)  For safety’s sake, it’s so important that we know who’s supposed to be in which bed.  If there were ever an emergency in your room, we’d need to know exactly who we’re looking for.

Sometimes there’s a bonus question on verifications.  This time we’re asking if you plan to return to housing for the Spring 2017 semester.  While your answer to this question isn’t contractual or binding for next semester, it helps us plan for how many vacant beds we can expect to offer to incoming transfers or January admitted students.

Thanks for signing verifications, and thanks to the RAs who get them completed in such a quick turnaround!