April 2021

2021April 2021International NewsMiddle East

Iranian Nuclear Facility Attacked, Tehran Vows Revenge

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has vowed to “take revenge” against those responsible following an attack on an Iranian nuclear production facility in Natanz. BBC News explains that an explosion inside the facility cut off electricity to both the central and backup power systems. Not only did the attack damage many critical centrifuges, but the lack of power has forced work to cease at the facility.

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2021April 2021OpinionAsia

The Taiwan Question: Strategic Ambiguity Is Not Enough 

Ever since Taiwan separated itself from mainland China in 1949, relations between Beijing and Tapiei have been tenuous at best. At worst, the Taiwan Strait is a hotbed for diplomatic and military gridlock as Beijing and Taiwan vie for control of the region. On April 20, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army flew a squadron of 25 aircraft into Taiwan airspace, the South China Morning Post reports. While these exercises are not uncommon in the Taiwan Strait, the incursion comes at a time of great tension between China and the United States’ growing relationship with Taiwan.

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2021April 2021OpinionAmericas

Is the Biden Administration’s Immigration Policy All That Different from His Predecessor?

The administration has started rolling back some Trump-era policies, but the pace at which President Biden is acting has failed to live up to the expectations promised from the campaign. The Biden-Harris campaign site listed ambitious goals for the first 100 days in office, stating objectives such as overturning the “Muslim Ban,” strengthening the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and ending construction on the border wall, but their ability to achieve these goals is justifiably coming under scrutiny.

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2021April 2021International NewsAmericas

Volcano Erupts in St. Vincent

A series of devastating volcanic eruptions on the island of St. Vincent has forced thousands to flee. According to BBC News, the volcano La Soufrière first erupted on Thursday, April 9, after a series of earthquakes, with the most devastating eruption happening the morning of Monday, April 12. The volcano is emitting a 20,000-foot cloud of smoke, ash, and superheated noxious gas that can travel at over 120 miles per hour. Scientists speculate that this eruption could continue for weeks or even months.

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Campus Spotlight2021April 2021School of Diplomacy News

Lieutenant Colonel from U.S. Army Intelligence Speaks About ‘Terrorism and the Great Game’

Retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army Andy Swedlow gave a presentation on the use of terrorism in the Great Game at the School of Diplomacy on April 8. Swedlow gave a description on the history of the Great Game, different ways nation states utilized terrorism, and the effects of terrorism on the great power competition.

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2021GlobalApril 2021OpinionAmericas

U.S. Anti-Trans Bills Signal Growing Transphobic Legislation Around the World

Over the past four months, the United States has been hit with a wave of anti-transgender legislation. While these Republican Party-led bills claim to fight for the safety of both binary and non-binary children, courts and leading researchers affirmed the danger they pose to transgender children. But this wave in the U.S. does not come without equal movement around the world.

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2021April 2021International NewsAsia

Japan to Dump Water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) is on track to release over a million tons of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean as part of its cleanup efforts. The first release is anticipated to begin in 2023, with the total process expecting to last over a decade. The move comes as water continues to accumulate, despite the plant being decommissioned following a massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011.

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