Author: Joshua Powanda

2021Eastern EuropeAmericasConflict and Security

Growing Threat of Russian Invasion in Ukraine Raises Grave Concerns in Washington and Europe

This past week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Europe to meet with partners and adversaries to discuss the growing threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to the Military Times, Russia has built up nearly 120,000 troops as well as conventional military equipment along its border with Ukraine and Belarus, signaling a potential invasion in the coming weeks.

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2021International NewsAsia

Putin’s Visit to India Complicates Geopolitical Relations with the United States and China

On Monday, December 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin traveled to India to meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and discuss the maintenance and growth of relations between the two states. In just his second international trip since the global emergence of COVID-19, Putin’s arrival comes amid complex geopolitical developments throughout Asia.

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September 2021FocusMiddle EastAfghanistan

FOCUS on Afghanistan: The Return of Terrorism

The United States intervened in Afghanistan to hunt down the perpetrators of the September 11 terror attacks and deter another incident of such magnitude. Although this mission was successful at first, the Taliban’s return to power raises serious questions and concerns about the likelihood of a renewal of terrorism in Afghanistan and its implications for the American homeland. 

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2021April 2021International NewsMiddle East

Iranian Nuclear Facility Attacked, Tehran Vows Revenge

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has vowed to “take revenge” against those responsible following an attack on an Iranian nuclear production facility in Natanz. BBC News explains that an explosion inside the facility cut off electricity to both the central and backup power systems. Not only did the attack damage many critical centrifuges, but the lack of power has forced work to cease at the facility.

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World2021February 2021International NewsEurope

Putin Critic Detained Upon Arrival in Moscow

CNBC reports that Russian opposition leader and Putin critic, Alexei Navalny, has been sentenced to nearly three years in prison following his return to Russia in January. Navalny has been on a wanted list since 2014 for allegedly violating the terms of a suspended sentence. Upon his arrival at the airport in Moscow, Russian authorities arrested him before he could even get his passport stamped.

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Winter 2021 EditionAnalysisMiddle East

Iranian Proxies and Influence in the Middle East

Since the creation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, the Iran has used its power and influence in the Middle East to attack, resist, and challenge its regional adversaries. Although its armed forces are powerful and well-equipped, Iran has created a system of proxy militias and organizations throughout the region that can carry out its many objectives.

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