Author: Liam Brucker-Casey


IRS Plans to Overhaul Arcane Tech With New Funds

While the Agency has big plans for the coming years, Yellen touted a handful of smaller but still ambitious changes that will be implemented in the next filing season. The IRS expects to triple the amount of taxpayers who are assisted in-person support centers, ensure that nearly 80% of callers reach an employee (a jump from around 15%), and enable taxpayers to receive and respond to notices online.

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Canadian Protests Obstruct Movement in Ottawa, US Border Crossing

In less than a month, what began as a small convoy in rural British Columbia, Canada, has become a movement that has seen protestors clog the streets in the Canadian capital of Ottawa and brought the largest US-Canada border crossing to a virtual standstill. Nearly 80% of Canadians are fully vaccinated. The percentage of Canadian truckers who are vaccinated is also quite high. The protests initially were led by a small minority of Canadian truckers in opposition to vaccine mandates for cross-border truckers, but in light of the fact that a lift of Canadian mandates would be moot so long as the US maintains its mandate, the movement has evolved to oppose a much broader array of perceived transgressions. Freedom Convoy participants now oppose COVID-19 quarantine and lockdown measures, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and the Canadian government in general. The movement has also drawn participants from the fringes of the political right with the makeup of some protestors including QAnon supporters and Great Replacement theorists. 

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