Room Selection 2013-2014 – Important Dates!

The following email was just sent to all students who qualify for returning Room Selection for 2013-2014:

Congratulations on qualifying for Room Selection 2013-2014! Your Room Selection lottery times can be found on your Housing Profile on PirateNet.

 Attached to this email is a step-by-step instruction guide on how Room Selection works. Please look it over carefully and get ready to pick your room.  HRL will post updates on our Facebook and Twitter feeds (Follow us @SetonHallHRL). 

 The official period of Room Selection begins tomorrow with Aquinas Hall Upperclassmen Room Selection.  Below is a table of important Room Selection Dates & Times.

Upperclass students qualified for Room Selection:

Click here for a step-by-step guide for selecting a room online for 2013-2014: Online Room Selection Instructions – 2013

Click here for important Room Selection dates and times: Room Lottery Times

Room Selection 2013-2014

The Department of Housing and Residence Life at Seton Hall University wants you to know the 2013-2014 Room Selection process, today, February 1st, 2013.  Students who wish to return to housing may submit their $325 non-refundable room reservation deposit and complete the housing application.  These are the first steps in the Room Selection process.  Students must meet all deadlines and complete all necessary steps in the process to be eligible to participate in room selection which begins the week of April 1st, 2013.

This is an exciting time for your student and we are sharing this information with family members, since you are our partner.  Spaces are limited and demand for housing has been greater in the last several years.  Should demand for 2013-2014 exceed available spaces, students who deposit and apply on time will be placed on the Housing Wait List in lottery number order and placed before students who deposit late.  Any student who deposits after the deadline (February 28th, 2013) will be placed on the Wait List and be assigned as spaces become available. Wait List assignments are based on distance of home address from campus and date of deposit received.

Below is a brief informational checklist for Room Selection 2013-2014. We will send more information directly to students’ SHU Email accounts throughout this process and highlight Room Selection.  To keep in the loop, please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter at SetonHallHRL.

‡            RESOLVE BALANCE – Prior to February 28th:  Make sure all balances are cleared and there are no holds on the student’s account.  If there is a balance on the account, the student will not be permitted to apply for housing. Students can check their hold status on Banner Self-Service.

‡            SUBMIT $325 ROOM RESERVATION DEPOSIT – February 1st-28th: A room deposit of $325 is required and may be paid online 24 hours a day or in person in the Bursar’s office in Bayley Hall during business hours.  Students who wish to be a part of the Room Selection process must submit their room reservation deposit no later than 11:59pm on February 28th, 2013.  Please note: All credit card and electronic check payments must be made online through the “Pay Your Housing Deposit” link on the Housing & Residence Life website ( Seton Hall University will accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.

  • Students who submit a room deposit on time and complete a housing application, will have their Priority Points calculated and be given a lottery number (Priority Points is the values-based system that Housing & Residence Life uses to determine lottery order for the room selection process.)
  • Students who submit a room deposit late (after 11:59pm on February, 28th, 2013) will not have Priority Points calculated, will be ineligible to participate in the Room Selection process and will be depositing to our Housing Wait List. 

‡            COMPLETE HOUSING APPLICATION – February 1st-28th: After submitting the Room Reservation Deposit, students complete the Housing Application online.  Students who apply during this time frame will have their Priority Points calculated and be eligible to participate in the Room Selection process.  As noted above, students whose deposits and applications are received after 11:59pm on February 28th will be placed on the Housing Wait List and will be assigned when a room becomes available based on distance of home address from campus and date of deposit received. Please note: students who have a balance or registration hold on their account will not be permitted to complete a housing application until their account is cleared.

  • Submission of the Housing Application means the student acknowledges and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions listed in the Housing License Agreement.  This year’s License can be viewed on

‡            SELECT ROOM ASSIGNMENT – Beginning April 1st:  Students will participate in an Online Room Selection process to select their rooms for the 2013-2014 academic year.  We will send more information directly to eligible students on how the process moves forward, including specific dates for living learning communities such as Sophomore Discovery Program and Turrell Manor Servant Leadership, throughout the spring semester.

After students submit their housing deposits and applications, we are encouraging them to begin conversations with their peers about potential roommates and housing arrangements. We believe families are also an important part of this conversation.  Different residence halls offer different living experiences and you can help your student to make good decisions that will enhance their experience at Seton Hall. Choice of roommates is also important to assure a good match in terms of living style and study habits. Your student may also wish to apply for one of our specialized living-learning communities which require a supplemental application in addition to the housing deposit and standard housing application.  For more information on our residence halls and these communities, please visit

It is our hope that this process will run smoothly for your student and that, with your help, your student will find a place to call Home at the Hall.  If you or your student have any questions about the information contained in this letter, please call us at (973)761-9172 or email SHUHOUSING@SHU.EDU.  You may also find us on Facebook at or Twitter @SetonHallHRL.

Class of 2016 Move-in Times for Freshmen Move In Day!

Tomorrow, August 23rd, we will welcome our largest freshmen class ever to our campus! It’s freshmen move-in day and we’re just as excited as everyone is to welcome our freshmen to their new homes.

Move-in times were sent home in the assignment email but here there are in case you missed them:


Third Floor: 8:00am – 10:15am

First Floor: 10:15am – 12:45pm

Second Floor: 12:45pm – 3:00pm



(Room Numbers/Move-In Times)

5000s: 8:00am – 8:45am

4000s/400s: 8:45am – 10:00am

3000s/300s: 10:00am – 11:15am

2000s/200s: 11:15am – 1:00pm

1000s/100s: 1:00pm – 2:15pm

900s: 2:15pm-3:00pm

Anyone living in Cabrini, Neumann, Serra, or Xavier Hall may move in anytime between 8am-10am.

We look forward to seeing you…  Have a safe trip.


Wait List Update – A week away!

We’ve made a lot of movement on the Wait List recently and we are happy to report the Wait List is under 50 students (45 to be exact.)

We have reached out to students on the Wait List within a 10 mile of radius to campus and have asked them to work with their families to make plans to commute, at least for a few weeks until the dust settles after move-in.  We anticipate beds opening during the course of the Fall semester and will continue to keep all Wait List housing applications active for as long as it takes.

We are currently housing students on Wait List 2, Category 2.  If that’s your category, you’ll be hearing from us soon as we continue to receive cancellations.

For any questions regarding the Wait List, please contact

Want to change your meal plan?

Until the end of the University add drop period on September 4th, resident students can modify their meal plan through their Housing Profile under the profile and finances tab on PirateNet.

Resident students who live on campus must have a meal plan, so the system won’t let you cancel your meal plan or change to the commuter meal plan (#7).

If you have questions, stop by Duffy 68 on any business day between 8:45am and 4:45pm through add drop and we’ll help you out.

Commuters who would like to purchase a meal plan can call or stop by our office in 68 Duffy.

More Information about the Wait List

Students who are on the Wait List received the following email this morning:

This fall, Seton Hall University will open its campus to the largest incoming class we have ever seen and the Department of Housing & Residence Life is very excited to have received a record number of housing applications for students wishing to live in our campus housing.

As of the time and date of this email, we have made room assignments to all students who met specific deadlines. For new students, we guarantee housing for the first 850 students who applied and paid their room deposit. This threshold was reached in early May. For returning students, the deadline was February 18th to participate in Room Selection. You are receiving this email because you are on a Wait List for a room assignment. This email contains important information about how our Wait List works and your standing on the Wait List

About our Wait List:
– Our Wait List is organized in two ways: First, by date of receipt of your housing application. Second, by the geographic distance from your home address to campus.
– There are 155 students on the Wait List.
– There are three Wait Lists: Wait List 1 is for students who applied for housing before June 1st. Wait List 2 is for students who applied for housing after June 1st. Wait List 3 is for students who live within what we deem to be a “commutable” distance.
– The Wait Lists are then organized by category based on the distance from your home to campus. Within each Wait List there are 8 categories:
Category 8 = International Students
Category 7 = West Coast/Rockies Region
Category 6 = SouthEast
Category 5 = MidWest
Category 4 = 4-6 hours away
Category 3 = 1 1/2-3 hours away
Category 2 = 1+ hour away/expensive commute Category 1 = Less than 1 hour away/commuteable distance

– We will begin housing students in Wait List 1, Category 8 then continue to Wait List 1, Category 7, Wait List 1, Category 6…and so on. Once all students from Wait List 1 are housed, we will repeat the categories with Wait List 2 and finish, if possible, with Wait List 3.
– In the past, we have had Wait Lists as high as 500 students and were able to accomodate everyone by the first day of class so please be patient while we process cancellations we are receiving daily and assign students from the Wait List as quickly as possible.
– You will receive weekly updates from us telling you what Wait List and Category we are now housing. Please note that not every category has students in it so it will move quickly between categories.
– If you wish to cancel your housing application, please complete the housing assignment cancellation form at this link: .
– As soon as you receive a room assignment, you will receive an email and/or phone call notifying you that you have been assigned.

According to our records you are on Wait List #, Category #. We are now housing students on Wait List 1, Category 8.

Again, we ask for your patience as we continue to work to accomodate as many students from Wait Lists 1 and 2 as possible. Wait List 3 will receive more information as the weeks go by. If you have any questions regarding the Wait List process, please contact us via email to

Thank you again for your patience, and for applying to live at Seton Hall University!

Summers are Sunnier in South Orange

Even on rainy days like today, summers spent on-campus at Seton Hall just feel sunnier! Today between 3pm-5pm, summer students who applied for summer housing will move into Aquinas Hall. Check-in will be conducted “hotel-style” with rooms being assigned on the spot. Students who wish to live together should plan to check-in at the same time to assure they will be placed together.

It’s not too late to apply for housing for later summer sessions!

Letter to Families about Room Selection 2012-2013

To the Families of our Seton Hall University Resident Students:

Happy New Year from the Department of Housing and Residence Life at Seton Hall University! We will begin the 2012-2013 Room Selection process on February 1st, 2012. That is the first day on which students, who wish to return to housing, may submit their $325 non-refundable room reservation deposit and apply for housing. This is the first step in the process of applying for University housing. Students must meet all deadlines and complete all necessary steps in the process to be eligible to participate in room selection which begins the week of March 30th, 2012.

This is an exciting time for your student and we hope by sending information home to family members, you can become a partner in preparing them for this process. Spaces are limited and demand for housing has been greater in the last several years. Should demand for 2012-2013 exceed available spaces, students who deposit and apply on time will be placed on the Housing Wait List in lottery number order and placed before students who deposit late. Any student who deposits after the deadline (February 17th, 2012) will be placed on the Wait List and be assigned as spaces become available. Wait lists assignments are based on distance of home address from campus and date of application received.

Below is a brief informational checklist for Room Selection 2012-2013. We have also included a handy quick reference checklist for your refrigerator. We will send more information directly to students after the start of the spring semester and highlight Room Selection in our next episode of Hall Housing Happenings (if you wish to sign up to receive this parent video blog, please email us at SHUHOUSING@SHU.EDU.)

 RESOLVE BALANCE – Prior to February 1st: Make sure all balances are cleared and there are no holds on the student’s account. If there is a balance on the account, the student will not be permitted to apply for housing. Students can check their hold status on Banner Self-Service.
 SUBMIT $325 ROOM RESERVATION DEPOSIT – February 1st-17th: A room deposit of $325 is required and may be paid online 24 hours a day or in person in the Bursar’s office in Bayley Hall during business hours. Students who wish to be a part of the Room Selection process must submit their room reservation deposit no later than 11:59pm on February 17th, 2012. Please note: All credit card and electronic check payments must be made online through the “Pay Your Housing Deposit” link on the Housing & Residence Life website ( Seton Hall University will accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express for the housing deposit only. Also, beginning in 2012-2013, the housing deposit will no longer be refundable.
o Students who submit a room deposit on time will be able to complete a housing application, have their Priority Points calculated and be given a lottery number (Priority Points is the values-based system that Housing & Residence Life uses to determine lottery order for the room selection process.)
o Students who submit a room deposit late (after 11:59pm on February, 17th, 2012) will not have Priority Points calculated, will be ineligible to participate in the Room Selection process and will be depositing to our Housing Wait List.
 COMPLETE HOUSING APPLICATION – February 1st-17th: After submitting the Room Reservation Deposit, students complete the Housing Application online. Students who apply during this time frame will have their Priority Points calculated and be eligible to participate in the Room Selection process. As noted above, students who apply for housing after 11:59pm on February 17th, will not have Priority Points calculated, will be placed on the Housing Wait List and will be assigned when a room becomes available based on distance of home address from campus and date of application received. Please note: students who have a balance or registration hold on their account will not be permitted to complete a housing application until their account is cleared.
o Submission of the Housing Application means the student acknowledges and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions listed in the Housing License Agreement. This year’s License can be viewed on
 SELECT ROOM ASSIGNMENT – Beginning March 30th: Students will participate in an Online Room Selection process to select their rooms for the 2012-2013 academic year. We will send more information directly to eligible students on how the process moves forward, including specific dates for living learning communities like Sophomore Discovery Program and Turrell Manor Servant Leadership, after the start of the spring semester.
After students submit their Housing Applications, we are encouraging them to begin conversations with their peers about potential roommates and housing arrangements. We believe families are also an important part of this conversation. Different residence halls offer different living experiences and you can help your student to make good decisions that will enhance their experience at Seton Hall. Choice of roommates is also important to assure a good match in terms of living style and study habits. Your student may also wish to apply for one of our specialized living-learning communities which require a supplemental application in addition to the housing deposit and standard housing application. For more information on our residence halls and these communities, please visit
It is our hope that this process will run smoothly for your student and that, with your help, your student will find a place to call Home at the Hall. If you or your student have any questions about the information contained in this letter, please call us at (973)761-9172 or email SHUHOUSING@SHU.EDU. You may also find us on Facebook at

Cheryl Lynn Janus
Assistant Director – Housing Operations & Marketing