Category: Golf

Interest High for Summer Olympic Games in Paris; One Month Out, Opening Ceremonies Especially Anticipated  

With a month to go before the 2024 Summer Olympic Games kick off with an unprecedented Opening Ceremony on July 26 in Paris, Americans are already showing great interest – even before all the teams are officially chosen. The Opening…

Public Says LIV Has Diminished PGA and Pro Golf; By More than 2 to 1 Margin, Say LIV Is Saudi ‘Sportswashing’

The defection of many top golfers to the new LIV tour, along with their subsequent ban from PGA tournaments, has the American public thinking that both the PGA tour and professional golf in general have been diminished. Asked if the…

 Fans: Two-Thirds Say OK for Athletes To Sit Out Due to Mental Health Issues, Think Teams Should Employ Mental Health Counselors   

South Orange, NJ, Jan. 6 – Some two-thirds of American sports fans say that it is “acceptable” for an athlete not to compete due to mental health issues or concerns. This is the case regardless of whether the athlete is…

60 Percent of Sports Fans ‘Rooting’ for Tiger Woods Return to Competitive Golf, 38 Percent Say They Would Purchase a Product He Endorses

South Orange, NJ, March 30, 2021 – As Tiger Woods recovers from his serious auto accident last month, 43 percent of Americans say they are rooting for his return to competitive golf, with the number rising to 60 percent among…