Category: Baseball

Sports Fans Weigh In, Some Baseball Rules Are Ready for Change: Support for National League DH, Seven-Inning Doubleheaders, 16-Team Playoffs Is Strongest; 42 Percent of Sports Fans ‘More Excited’ for this Year’s Baseball Season.

South Orange NJ, March 25, 2021 – Faced with declining attendance every season since 2013 (excluding the Covid-shortened 2020 season), Major League Baseball is looking at rule changes to speed up the game and maybe win back the hearts of its fans.…

By More than 2-1, American Public Says Student Athletes Should Be Allowed to Profit from Use of Name/Image/Likeness

In Dramatic Shift, Public Thinks All Student Athletes in Revenue Producing Sports Should Be Compensated Beyond Scholarships South Orange NJ, March 16, 2021 – By more than a 2-to-1 margin, Americans believe that student athletes should be allowed to profit from the…

50 Percent Place Most Blame on Justin Turner for Covid-Laced World Series Celebration

South Orange NJ, November 30, 2020 –  The final game of the World Series attracted wide attention when Los Angeles Dodgers player Justin Turner, having been removed from the game after testing positive for Coronavirus, returned to the field to…

61% Agree with Athletes’ Right to Speak Out for Social Justice; But More than a Third Say It Hinders Desire To Watch Games, Ruins Sports as ‘Escape’

South Orange NJ, November 23, 2020  — While 61 percent of Americans say that athletes have a right to free speech and it is their decision to speak out for social justice, 35 percent call sports their “escape” and don’t want to…

67 Percent of Americans Say No To Indoor Sporting Events Without Vaccine

67 Percent of Americans Say No To Indoor Sporting Events Without Vaccine South Orange NJ, November 18, 2020  —  Even masked, wearing personal protective equipment and socially distanced, 67 percent of Americans surveyed said they would not attend an indoor sporting event…

By 3 to 1 Margin Americans Say Astros Investigation was a Coverup and Players Need to Be Punished; 17% less inclined to follow baseball because of handling of Astros scandal; 63% Have Less Respect for US Government Following Impeachment Proceedings

17% less inclined to follow baseball because of handling of Astros scandal; 63% Have Less Respect for US Government Following Impeachment Proceedings South Orange, NJ – February 27, 2020 — By a sizeable margin, a majority of Americans feel that…

‘Strip Houston Astros of 2017 Title’ Say Americans by Wide Margin: 84% Say ‘Really Hurts Game’ when Team Breaks Rules; 83% Say ‘Really Hurts Country’ when Politicians Do

Support Expressed for Kobe Bryant Adorning NBA Logo South Orange NJ, February 10, 2020  —  By a wide margin – 52 percent to 35 percent, Americans believe that the Houston Astros’ world championship of 2017 should have been taken away.…

28 Percent of Men Would Rather Their Favorite Team Win the Super Bowl or World Series Than Their Favorite Candidate Win the 2020 Presidential Election; Only 11 Percent of Women Feel the Same

Twenty-one percent of Americans said they spent more time watching the impeachment hearings than entertainment shows or sports events SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. – November 22, 2019 – By 74 to 19 percent, the American public said they would rather their…