Conflict and Security

March 20242024School of Diplomacy NewsConflict and Security

UDSA Visits UN Institute for Disarmament

On Friday, March 1, Seton Hall University’s Undergraduate Diplomacy Student Association (UDSA) organized a trip where students of Seton Hall had the opportunity to visit the United Nations Institute for Disarmament (UNIDIR), where they attended the Cyber Stability Conference. This conference, hosted at the New York UN headquarters, had the theme of “Unpacking Cyber Threats to International Peace and Security.”

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March 20242024International NewsConflict and Security

18 Peruvian Arms Traffickers Arrested

Peru has a long and troubled history with gun violence. Strict gun control laws exist, but their effectiveness is hampered by the easy availability of illegal firearms on the black market, explains the Library of Congress. The country’s borders, particularly those adjoining Ecuador, are known for facilitating the smuggling of weapons, fueling a persistent problem

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November 20232023WorldWorldInternational NewsMiddle EastHuman Rights LawConflict and Security

Al-Shifa Under Attack: Israeli Aggression targets Gaza Hospital System

As Israeli forces advance their attacks on the hospital and surrounding areas, the international community has raised concerns for the sick, injured, and displaced. According to Al Jazeera, Israel’s total siege of the area has depraved over 650 patients, 500 medical staff, and approximately 5,000 to 7,000 displaced individuals sheltering in Al-Shifa of electricity and fuel.

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September 2022International NewsEuropeMiddle EastConflict and Security

U.S. Allies Doubt Iran Nuclear Deal Revival is Imminent

With the latest effort to revive the Iranian nuclear deal, U.S. allies have stated that they have “serious doubts” that Iran and the U.S. will strike a deal, reports Reuters. President Biden promised to restore the nuclear agreement during his 2020 presidential campaign, yet negotiations appear to be delayed ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

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September 2022Eastern EuropeInternational NewsConflict and Security

Ukraine Deals Russia Major Blow with Significant Counter-Offensive

Beginning September 10, Ukrainian forces launched a significant counter-offensive against Russia, recapturing many cities and marking a major shift in the conflict, reports Reuters. During the past five months of the war, Russia captured 20 percent of  Ukrainian territory. However, Ukraine regained those northeastern territories in a surprise offensive that caught the Russians off guard.

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2022AfricaConflict and Security

Ethiopian Government Declares Humanitarian Ceasefire in Tigray

Ethiopian and Tigrayan leaders have agreed to a humanitarian ceasefire to halt the civil conflict that has raged in the country’s northern Tigray region for over a year. The United Nations and other international actors are hopeful that the cessation of fighting will allow for humanitarian aid to the region. Reuters reports that the ceasefire comes at a time when “more than 90 percent of the 5.5 million Tigrayans need food aid,” despite Ethiopian authorities affirming that aid deliveries have never been impeded.

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March 2022Eastern Europe2022International NewsConflict and Security

Global Reactions to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Across the globe, the world is shunning Russia in a multitude of ways to protest President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. As The New York Times examines, from culture to commerce and sports to travel, many doors have been closed on Russia and its people, in a capacity not seen since the days of the Cold War. Such a worldwide rejection of Russia has been intended to show solidarity with the beleaguered  Ukrainians, while also attempting to force President Putin to pull back Russian forces.

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