September 2022

September 2022Analysis

Hindu Nationalism: On the Path Toward Reincarnating the Rwandan Genocide?

“Jai Shri Ram,” or “Hail Lord Ram” in English, has been transformed from an innocent, religious chant to a phrase associated with one of the world’s most active nationalist movements. Riots in the British city of Leicester in mid-September between Hindu and Muslim communities are just the tip of the iceberg of a movement that has become transnational.  

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September 2022OpinionAsia

OHCHR Report on Uyghurs: Too Little, Far Too Late

China has been forcibly moving much of its Uyghur population to concentration camps, which it calls “re-education camps,” to combat “terrorism” in the ethnic Muslim minority community. According to the UN, the commission’s report stated that the deprivation of fundamental human rights, arbitrary detention, and credible reports of torture, ill-treatment, forced medical treatment, and sexual violence may amount to crimes against humanity.

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September 2022International NewsAmericas

Young Americans Working from Home are Moving to Mexico City Due to High Costs

As prices continue to soar in major U.S. cities, seemingly breaking a new record every year, young Americans are increasingly looking for options to cut costs and make the most out of their income. CNN Business reports that many Americans have unexpectedly looked toward Mexico City as a work-from-home haven because of its significantly cheaper cost of living

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Energy CrisisSeptember 2022FocusAfrica

FOCUS on the Global Energy Crisis: Africa

The Russian invasion of Ukraine sent economic shockwaves across the world, affecting the production of economic staples such as wheat and nickel and putting significant strain on the global supply chain, reports CNBC. The energy market is one of the most significantly affected industries, and the strain impacts far more than the West. Africa is beginning to feel the brunt of this crisis.

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