October 2020International NewsAmericas2020Europe

Maduro Wins Venezuelan Gold Lawsuit

On Monday, October 5, Nicolas Maduro’s Venezuelan government won its appeal in a lawsuit filed against the Bank of England concerning access to more than $1 billion in gold bullion. With this judgement, the England and Wales Court of Appeal has reversed a lower court’s decision to block Maduro’s government from accessing its gold bullion reserves housed at the Bank of England. The BBC reports that while this is an auspicious turn of events for the Maduro government, the verdict will only grant access to the bullion pending another review of the case.

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WorldOctober 2020International NewsU.S.2020

The World Food Programme Wins 2020 Nobel Peace Prize

The World Food Programme  recently won the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its contributions in combating global food insecurity, writes Al Jazeera. Berit Reiss-Andersen, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, said “In the face of the pandemic, the World Food Programme has demonstrated an impressive ability to intensify its efforts,” according to The New York Times.

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October 2020International News2020Europe

Northern Cyprus Criticized by the International Community for Reopening Varosha Beach After 46 Years

Turkish Cypriot Prime Minister Ersin Tatar unveiled his plan to reopen the infamous abandoned Varosha beach, just days before the 2020 Northern Cypriot presidential election, reports  Al Jazeera. The plan was criticized by Tatar’s opponents, calling it an interference by Turkey to sustain his nationalist base in the Turkish-occupied zone of  Cyprus.

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October 2020Opinion2020

Even the Pope is a Progressive

At the beginning of October, Pope Francis released his third encyclical, a book-length essay that highlights his view of the pandemic-ridden world and how Catholic teachings should interact with the times. Despite the internal criticism the Pope has been subjected to by conservatives in the Church over his eight year tenure, Fratelli Tutti serves not only as a scathing criticism of market capitalism and xenophobia, but sheds light on the progressive direction of the Catholic Church as a whole.

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October 2020Eastern EuropeInternational News2020

Russia Successfully Tests New Hypersonic Cruise Missile

The Russian Defense Ministry has announced the successful test of a new hypersonic cruise missile known as Tsirkon, a move hailed as a “great event” by Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Barron’s. The missile was fired from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate in the White Sea and hit its target 280 miles away in the Barents Sea in northern Russia. The chief of the Russian military’s general staff, Valery Gerasimov, told Putin that this was the first successful sea launch, Al Jazeera reports. 

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October 2020Opinion2020

As COVID-19 Infections Rise, World Leaders Still Turn a Blind-Eye to the Dangers

World leaders and their governments have reacted to the pandemic in many different ways. On one hand, some world leaders followed the recommendations of scientists from day one and took the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of infection in their countries. On the other hand, we have seen some who doubt the true risk of the virus, and have dealt with the resulting consequences.

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Alumni SpotlightOctober 20202020School of Diplomacy News

UNA-SHU Holds Prestigious Panel, Discusses UN’s 75th Year Anniversary, Proposes Solutions for The Future

On September 30, the United Nations Association at Seton Hall University (UNA-SHU) held a panel discussion to celebrate and discuss the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Charter. The panel consisted of His Royal Highness Prince Adnan El-Hashemite, Dr. Catherine Tinker, Rev. Robert Chase, and Dr. Mary Norton. The panelists presented different perspectives, engaged in a discussion, and answered questions about how the United Nations has impacted the international political stage over the past 75 years and how the world can move forward on its mission.

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