
LocalStillman News

Stillman Fall 2020 Updates

The coronavirus has left universities all over the world adapting to new ways of learning and maximizing the available resources to students on and off campus, heavily relying on technology. Universities planned to return to campus in the fall, but the surge of cases in different parts of the United States has left many universities sending students back within a few weeks of opening doors for students.

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Alumni SpotlightLocalSpotlights

Sitting Down With Gabino Roche ’98, Founder of Saphyre

We in Stillman News recently had the opportunity to interview Gabino Roche, Seton Hall Class of 1998 and founder of Saphyre, a fintech startup revolutionizing the financial services industry by digitizing and speeding the pre-trading space, while providing trading and post-trade benefits for financial institutions at the same time. We are very grateful to Mr. Roche for his time, and for sharing his experiences with us.

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