Author: Staff Writer


Automakers Struggle With Global Chip Shortage

Just as the auto industry demonstrated signs of recovery from the shutdowns last spring due to the coronavirus pandemic, an untimely issue regarding a dearth of semiconductor chips has arisen. Because of the global shortage of these silicon chips, nearly every major automaker, including Ford Motor Co, Toyota, and Nissan, have halted some form of car production and furloughed workers. Specifically, Ford and the General Motors Company predict lost earnings due to this unforeseen problem, potentially losing $2.5 billion and $2 billion, respectively.

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The GameStop Stock Frenzy Explained

Investing in the stock market can be a very risky thing. Some individuals even compare it to gambling because it is hard to forecast the outcome of the stocks that one buys. For example, will the stock’s price rise or fall? Will one lose everything they invested? Or will one make enough money to retire early? It is nearly impossible to know. In recent weeks, the stock market has caught everyone’s attention in the nation and worldwide. By now, individuals across the country have probably heard of the GameStop (GME) stock frenzy. But what happened?

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Death of More Soldiers Further Shakes French Involvement in Sahel

n attack by an unidentified extremist group left 14 Burkina Faso soldiers dead in their country’s portion of the Sahel on November 11. The Sahel region, which stretches from Senegal in the West to Eritrea in the East, has experienced an increase in violence from extremist groups like al-Qaeda and the self-proclaimed Islamic State, leading to the deaths of over 2,000 people in Burkina Faso alone.

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