Author: Staff Writer


President Biden Proposes Raising the Corporate Tax Rate to 28%

To fund his $2 trillion infrastructure plan, President Joe Biden has proposed to raise the corporate tax to 28%. According to the New York Times, corporations will be required to pay fifteen years of taxes at the 28% rate. This is an increase from President Trump’s previous tax cuts, which decreased the corporate tax from 35% to 21%. Not all companies will be taxed the same amount, however.

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The Future of E-Bikes is on a Move!

Bicycles, an invention thought up in the 1800s, suffered one of the worst occurrences of supply deficiency in the summer of 2020. Prices of bikes were soaring extraordinarily high, more than they have in at least a decade. The feelings of cabin fever from lockdown, mixed with the dangers of spreading, reopened many to the possibility of using bicycles for transportation. Obviously, a traditional bicycle has its limitations. However, so many of the aspects of traditional bicycles are remedied by the emerging market of E-Bikes, or bikes that have an electric motor to assist or completely replace pedaling.

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Google’s Change In Data Collection Represents a Shifting Industry

Chrome will discontinue data collection for individual users and instead group users together by popular interests. They will also begin to secure web histories on individual user devices. Google has already said they will be moving forward with getting rid of third-party cookies. They hope that these steps will allow marketers to evolve in a way that they can still use valuable information to advertise relevant products to users while simultaneously taking greater steps to secure the individual.

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