
AI2024WorldInternational News

54th World Economic Forum Tackles Climate Change, AI

The 54th annual World Economic Forum occurred in Davos, Switzerland from January 16-19, providing a forum that aimed to “provide a crucial space to focus on the fundamental principles driving trust, including transparency, consistency, and accountability,” the organizers said and as reported by Sustainable Tech Partner. The goal was also to rebuild trust, generate new ideas, and create partnerships to advance solutions to challenges the world faces.

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2023November 2023WorldAmericas

Argentina’s New Libertarian President

Many detractors say his policies towards the central bank and dollarization could take time if carried out since it will require approval from Argentina’s congress and possibly even changing the country’s constitution. Although Milei won a victory in Argentina’s recent presidential election, his political party affiliation, La Libertad Avanza party, is not even the third largest political force in Congress, which could mean difficult negotiations when proposing to implement his policies, BBC reports.

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2023November 2023WorldWorldInternational NewsMiddle EastHuman Rights LawConflict and Security

Al-Shifa Under Attack: Israeli Aggression targets Gaza Hospital System

As Israeli forces advance their attacks on the hospital and surrounding areas, the international community has raised concerns for the sick, injured, and displaced. According to Al Jazeera, Israel’s total siege of the area has depraved over 650 patients, 500 medical staff, and approximately 5,000 to 7,000 displaced individuals sheltering in Al-Shifa of electricity and fuel.

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