
2024WorldInternational News

Argentina and Colombia Seek to Mend Relationship After Presidents Butt Heads

The governments of Argentina and Colombia have found themselves working to restore a friendly relationship in the wake of a dispute that started in late March of this year. According to a March 31 joint statement from both countries, “The respective governments have taken concrete steps to overcome any differences and strengthen this relationship.”

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2024March 20242024 ElectionForeign CorrespondentsWorldOpinionInternational NewsU.S.

Biden’s Refocusing Act

Leading up to his State of the Union address on March 7th, President Biden faced immense pressure to respond to a vast array of issues and political pressures. On both the domestic and international front, serious questions have arisen and continue to persist regarding his capacity, and the capacity of the U.S. government, to respond to a multitude of crises around the world. It therefore came as no surprise that foreign policy, an area of politics oft-ignored in the leadup to presidential elections, became a focal point of his speech.

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Israel-Hamas2024March 2024WorldOpinion

PR Aid Stunts Are No Substitute for a Ceasefire in Gaza

For a population to go from relatively food secure to experiencing famine in such a short period of time is nothing short of a war crime, an assessment that many UN officials have agreed to according to The Guardian. EU Foreign Policy Chief Joseph Borrell has consistently reiterated that this famine is not the result of a natural disaster but an engineered policy of collective punishment by the Israeli government, saying that “starvation is used as a weapon of war. Israel is provoking famine.”

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2024March 2024GlobalWorldInternational NewsMiddle East

FOCUS on: Ceasefire/Peacemaking Efforts in Yemen

Yemen has been identified as the most impoverished Arab nation, as the country grapples with one of the most severe humanitarian crises in history. This crisis stems from a prolonged civil war that began in 2014 and has resulted in the Houthi militant group maintaining control over the region. With the recent escalation of the War in Gaza, the future of the region’s security and continued peace in Yemen hangs in uncertainty.

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March 2024Haiti2024WorldWorldInternational News

Gang Leader “Barbecue” Becomes Haiti’s Most Powerful Leader after Prime Minister Resigns

Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier, Haiti’s most prominent gang leader and former police officer, has reportedly filled the power vacuum left behind by Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s resignation. Henry took power in 2021 without an election following the assassination of then-Prime Minister Jovenel Moise, but CNN reports that Haiti has not held elections since.

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2024March 2024Russia-UkraineWorldEastern EuropeFocusInternational News

FOCUS on Global Ceasefire/Peacemaking Efforts: Russia/Ukraine

The Russo-Ukrainian War has been waging on for over 2 years with no end in sight, capitalized by the recent reelection of Russian President Vladimir Putin. While many scholars believe the Russian campaigns in Ukraine will only stop if Putin is ousted, increasing calls for ceasefire, both in the warring nations and from the international community have surfaced in recent months.

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International Response Israel-Hamas2024Sports Business and CultureMarch 2024Growing ProtestsWorldU.S.

Starbucks Boycott Raises Questions of Ethical Investing Practices

Starbucks has recently faced backlash due to its perceived stance and position on pressing social issues tied to the Israel-Gaza conflict. Protests at Starbucks locations can be traced back to the company’s lawsuit against Starbucks Workers United which seemingly began in opposition to the union’s public demonstration of solidarity with Palestine.

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