March 2024

March 20242024FirearmsNarco-StatesInternational NewsNarcotics Trade

Former Honduran President Convicted in the US of Working with Drug Traffickers

Juan Orlando Hernández, a former 2-term president of Honduras, has been indicted on drug-trafficking and firearm charges and was extradited to the United States for trial. Hernández has been accused of conspiring with infamous drug lords such as Joaquín Guzmán Loera, the former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel also known as El Chapo, to import copious amounts of cocaine into the U.S and of possessing destructive firearms.

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March 2024CultureSports Business and Culture2024Feminism

Girl Math: Redefining Spending Habits

Living in a digital age means that social media platforms continue to play an integral role in shaping societal norms and behaviors. Among the myriad of trends that have emerged, the concept of “Girl Math” has gained traction, particularly among millennials and Gen Z. Though its name may seem unserious at first glance, this phenomenon offers insights into the complex relationship social media influences towards people’s approach to personal finance. 

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Russia-UkraineMarch 20242024WorldEastern EuropeFocusInternational News

FOCUS on Global Ceasefire/Peacemaking Efforts: Russia/Ukraine

The Russo-Ukrainian War has been waging on for over 2 years with no end in sight, capitalized by the recent reelection of Russian President Vladimir Putin. While many scholars believe the Russian campaigns in Ukraine will only stop if Putin is ousted, increasing calls for ceasefire, both in the warring nations and from the international community have surfaced in recent months.

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March 20242024School of Diplomacy NewsConflict and Security

UDSA Visits UN Institute for Disarmament

On Friday, March 1, Seton Hall University’s Undergraduate Diplomacy Student Association (UDSA) organized a trip where students of Seton Hall had the opportunity to visit the United Nations Institute for Disarmament (UNIDIR), where they attended the Cyber Stability Conference. This conference, hosted at the New York UN headquarters, had the theme of “Unpacking Cyber Threats to International Peace and Security.”

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March 20242024WorldFocusInternational NewsAfrica

FOCUS: Ceasefire/Peacemaking Efforts in Sudan

The complexity of Sudan’s civil conflict, driven by entrenched grievances among the warring parties, religious divisions, ethnic struggles, competition for oil, and mistrust, lead the country to have a steep uphill climb to peace. The implementation and maintenance of peace have been impeded by breaches, insufficient monitoring systems, and conflicting interests among involved parties.

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March 20242024International NewsConflict and Security

18 Peruvian Arms Traffickers Arrested

Peru has a long and troubled history with gun violence. Strict gun control laws exist, but their effectiveness is hampered by the easy availability of illegal firearms on the black market, explains the Library of Congress. The country’s borders, particularly those adjoining Ecuador, are known for facilitating the smuggling of weapons, fueling a persistent problem

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Growing ProtestsSports Business and Culture2024International Response Israel-HamasMarch 2024WorldU.S.

Starbucks Boycott Raises Questions of Ethical Investing Practices

Starbucks has recently faced backlash due to its perceived stance and position on pressing social issues tied to the Israel-Gaza conflict. Protests at Starbucks locations can be traced back to the company’s lawsuit against Starbucks Workers United which seemingly began in opposition to the union’s public demonstration of solidarity with Palestine.

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March 2024Student Internship Spotlight2024School of Diplomacy News

Internship Spotlight: Working in the Archives

Nestled within the halls of Seton Hall University’s Walsh Library is a treasure trove of historical artifacts and documents that speak volumes about the institution’s rich legacy. As an undergraduate student intern at the Monsignor William Noé Field Archives & Special Collections Center, I’ve had the privilege of engaging with this repository of memories, unraveling narratives from previous eras, and engaging in the meticulous craft of preserving history.

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