April 2024

2024April 2024International News

Radio Silence? Burkina Faso Suspends Radio Broadcasts Over Coverage of Army Massacres Christian Montanez

On April 26, the media regulatory body of Burkina Faso, the Conseil Supérieur de la Communication, or CSC, announced that both the BBC and Voice of America (VOA) radio stations would be suspended for two weeks due to their broadcasts which covered reports of mass killings by the nation’s military and warned all media networks to avoid any further coverage of the situation says the Associated Press.

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2024April 2024International News

Cuba Facing Cash and Food Shortages

When Americans talk about Cuba, a complex and perhaps dated narrative unfolds. People may think of communism, echoes of the Cold War, and the enduring impacts of widespread embargoes, which are all representative of the geopolitical and ideological differences between Cuba and the United States in the 1950s. However, since the thawing of the Cold War in the late eighties, Cuba has undergone a path marked by development juxtaposed by persistent stalls in progress in various spheres.

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2024April 2024International News

French Diplomats Arrive in Lebanon to Halt Hezbollah-Israel Clashes

Stéphane Séjourné, the Prime Minister of France, ventured to Lebanon on Sunday, increasing diplomatic efforts to prevent a war between Israel and Lebanon’s political party and militant group, Hezbollah. As escalations increased at the border of the two countries after the start of the Israel-Hamas conflict, world leaders are fearful of a full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah.

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2024April 2024International News

Ecocide & Genocide, Israels Amounting War Crimes

 May 7 marks eight months since the onset of the unprecedented Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which has now escalated into a genocide. While the primary focus remains on the trauma and suffering brought upon Palestinians, it is imperative to acknowledge the environmental devastation the war has caused, as it is inseparable from the humanitarian disaster and daily life in Gaza.

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