

The EU’s $2 Billion Message to Apple

In a landmark decision, the European Union has fined Apple nearly $2 billion for antitrust violations related to its App Store policies, particularly those affecting music streaming services such as Spotify. This fine marks a significant moment in the ongoing scrutiny over Apple’s control of its App Store, which has been a point of contention among app developers and competition regulators worldwide.

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Epic Games’ Lawsuit Secures a “Victory Royale” over Google

Epic Games, creator of the hit video game “Fortnite”, won a critical lawsuit over Google citing the monopolistic nature of their mobile app store ecosystem. For years, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook have successfully defended against antitrust allegations, leaning heavily on the argument that their massive scale provides consumers with higher quality for lower costs. However, others argue that this market dominance prevents healthy competition and lacks sufficient power regulation.

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Rule of Thumb: The Biometric Boom

As a general rule of thumb, things have been getting increasingly digital. Bluetooth connections are attempting to rid the world of tangled wire messes. Cryptocurrency is attempting to replace physical money with virtual wallets. Cloud storage is attempting to replace physical data warehouses with consolidated web servers. But there is one thing in tech that aims to go the opposite way, Biometrics.

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