Author: Staff Writer


Instagram Update: Will It Drive Users Away or Create a Convenient Future for Fashion Brands?

Instagram updates: everyone hates it, but no one leaves it. No matter the amount of drastic changes Instagram has made, the origin platform for influencer culture and social media marketing derives from this Facebook-owned app. The app has set standards and opportunities for small businesses and influencers to utilize their platform as an advertisement and marketing tool over the last few updates. Last week, Instagram came out with another update with an inclusion of a shoppable module for users to buy anything they might desire approved pages.

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Multi-Level Marketing: If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

It is not uncommon for young girls with a decent following on Instagram to receive direct messages from strangers hoping to interest you in joining their business. In exchange, you become a “boss babe.” Often, these messages on various social media platforms do not even disclose the name of the business. These little indications are one of the many red flags multi-level marketing companies use that all social media users should be aware of.

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It’s Up to You; New York, New York – What is Next for New York Baseball?

This offseason will likely prove consequential for both baseball franchises based in New York City. For one organization, they have gone 11 consecutive seasons without securing a World Series title, while continually running a payroll that challenges for tops in the sport, and set to lose a host of key components to free agency while having to make difficult roster decisions on others. For another, they are transitioning under new incoming ownership, longing to put to bed an era of super-frugality, mediocrity, and purgatorial standing, perpetually having talent that would put them as one of the better teams in the National League, yet somehow always succumbing to injuries or underperformance

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Federal Reserve Pledges to Keep Rates Low Due to Swings in COVID Cases

The Federal Reserve has promised to maintain record-low interest rates to support the United States economy in the pandemic’s worsening times. As COVID-19 cases continuously shatter record highs set by the U.S., it has left many economists convinced that the economy cannot make any sustained recovery until the epidemic is maintained and that most Americans will feel safe conducting their normal outdoor daily activities. Following the Fed’s update on its monetary policy last Thursday, the near-zero interest rates are intended to stimulate spending and inject liquidity into the economy.

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