Youtubers and random Numbers in Excel

In order to properly assign random identification numbers to those who contributed specific sets of data. I truly wanted randomly computer-generated numbers not just a 1-10 count. However, I did not know how to ask Excel to do this for me, so I consulted the internet. I googled “randomly generated numbers excel” and got a few promising articles and set to work learning. One of the best videos I found was from a youtuber known as Doug H. who specializes in excel and its functions, he is amazing! What most of the articles asked was to use the (=RAND) command which I found worked perfectly to generate a single random number, however I needed a lot more. Since the function needed a number minimum and maximum, I went with the classic 1-100; (=RANDBETWEEN(1,100)).

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Data & Excel

Data is fun! Excel is a friend with wonderful shortcuts! Those words have been rarely if ever uttered in the English language but it’s actually true in a way. As the merits and cons of using Excel has been reported before in the blog, I figured it is good to carry on that tradition. Working with self-reported data in this study is an experience that I can ever forget and I believe I can say the same for my fellow student researchers’. The data that we worked with provides insight into how people come into contact with various languages through their life experiences. It’s intimate in its own way as you really get to see and understand people’s lives and shared stories.

But then comes the transcribing and coding part of research which is an interesting ride on its own. You see, Excel, our primary mode of transferring the data on flashcards, is a very handy tool but we had to make sure that ALL the data was copied over. Read more