DH Events

Digital Humanities at Seton Hall University

The Seton Hall Digital Humanities Committee defines Digital Humanities (DH) as a broad and dynamic interdisciplinary field of study. DH scholarship explores traditional areas of humanities through the application of new technologies, as well as applying traditional humanities-oriented questions to emerging technologies in society.  Digital scholarship at the university can be found within three main areas of study.


Explorations of traditional humanities-oriented areas of study that are made possible through the use of statistically grounded, computer-enabled analysis that includes text mining, spatial analysis, data visualization, etc. Research can be both theoretical and methodological in focus.


Into the creation of pedagogical tools and applications of technology to improve classroom learning, as well as studies into how emerging technologies change pedagogy. Research that both advances the use of technology in the classroom and examines and assesses the impact on learning is included.


Of traditional areas of critical theory from the social sciences and humanities to study new media and emerging technologies. Research will advance an understanding of the impact of a rapidly expanding digital culture.

Practical Strategies with Rise Articulate for Canvas 

Wednesday April 24th 10:00-11:00 am via Teams Join the Digital Humanities Faculty Learning Community for a concise session on harnessing Rise Articulate within Canvas courses for an enhanced college learning experience. Learn practical strategies for creating engaging...

DH Symposium 2024

DH Symposium Sponsored by the New Jersey Digital Humanities Consortium and Seton Hall University Thursday, January, 25 9:00am - 1:00pm In Teams Click here to join the meeting Schedule 9:00 - 9:15 Welcome/Program Overview/About the NJDHC 9:15 - 10:45 Generative AI and...

Fall 2022 – Archives and Special Collections Events

Currency, Culture, and the Ron D'Argenio Collection of Coins and Antiquities Monday, September 19th - 6:00 to 7:30 pm – Beck Rooms Walsh Library, 1st Floor, Seton Hall University, 200 South Orange Ave., South Orange, NJ Register: https://shu.libcal.com/event/9584815...

4 Towns/1 Book Discussion: The 1619 Project

Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm EDT Location: Jubilee Hall Auditorium, South Orange Campus Residents of four local towns–East Orange, Irvington, Maplewood, and South Orange–will come together for a discussion of The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah Jones. The event is part of the...

Videos from the DH Summer Institute 2022

DH Summer Institute, May 31 https://studentshu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/balkunma_shu_edu/EWHv3Gx8x1dHrVHZHUgibXMB-ZriBVMnSF1rY2M5EWiz9A?e=J0JsHE DH Summer Institute, June 1, Parts 1 and 2...


Browse the various projects funded by the Digital Humanities Committee.