Uncertainty in Spain as Parliament Struggles to Form New Government

This article was originally published in the Diplomatic Envoy by Gabriela Taveras   The Socialist Workers’ Party of Spain (PSOE) decided earlier this fall to hold a third general election next year, according to Politico. Political gridlock has besieged the...

The Nascent Spirit of Solidarity: The Refugee Policies in the Basque Country

Last year, the Basque Government donated US $257,000 to the UN Relief and Work Agency’s Syria’s Response Plan. Justice counselor and Basque Government Speaker, Josu Erkoreka, announced in September of 2015 that the Basque Country would accept 1,000 refugees over the next two years.

Successful start of 2016: Study abroad in the Basque Country

12540951_532428640265089_1089719634280670061_nIn January 2016, Dr. Borislava Manojlovic led a team of students in an immersive study abroad trip to the Basque Country, Spain. The course, titled “Memory and Conflict: Dealing with the Past Constructively,” allowed students to discover how different actors and institutions address processes of dealing with the region’s contentious past through education, justice, policymaking, and art.

The Basque Country has experienced protracted conflict described as “Europe’s longest war” with roots that can be traced to the time of Spanish Civil War and before. The Basque Study Abroad trip explored the consequences of the conflict and steps that are being taken to help spur the reconciliation process.

Is Peace in the Near Future?

In 2009 the Abertzale Left’s announcement of their unilateral decision for peace in what is considered Europe’s longest war was a major turning point for the Basque people. [i] A domino effect began as terrorist group, Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA), declared a ceasefire...

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Reassessing Electoral Systems in the Basque Country

Reassessing Electoral Systems in the Basque Country

In 2012, the Basque country held parliamentary elections; as a result, the emerging Bildu coalition grasped a surprising amount of seats. This separatist party follows a political platform of Ezker Abertzalea, or “patriotic left.” This platform has also been...

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Will PODEMOS Negotiate with ETA?

Will PODEMOS Negotiate with ETA?

With the recent victory of Alexis Tsipras and his anti-austerity party Syriza in Greece, eyes are now watching the direction the Spanish may take in their upcoming December elections. A new political party with a politically savvy young leader is taking Spanish...

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BRT event: Movie screening of ¨El Lobo¨

The director of the Basque Research Team Dr. Borislava Manojlovic and other six members of the team:  Thomas Hill, Felipe Bueno, Gabriela Taveras, Paola Ordonez, Shahriar Chowdhury and Bryan Yeoh were hosting the event for students of the School of Diplomacy. A total of 14 attendees enjoyed the movie and the refreshments served followed by a brief discussion about the film.  During the review, the students mentioned  the most important moments of the movie such as the decision of the main character Txema to infiltrate ETA in order to help the Spanish Government.  Dr. Borislava moderated the discussion about this film which is based on a real story and received positive opinions from the students.  It was the first time for some of the students to learn about the Basque country and the past activities of ETA.


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El Lobo movie screening and discussion

p162145_d_v8_aa“El Lobo” is a film that beautifully melds together an artistic visual experience with a complicated, and multifaceted story about nationalism and moral ambiguity . The story involves a man, Txema, who is incredibly passionate towards his homeland – the Basque country – but due to some unforeseen circumstances he ends up being recruited by the Spanish government to infiltrate ETA. In the process he undergoes tribulations that cause him to lose his wife and question what it means to love his country. His journey makes him question exactly how far he is willing to go for his country, and he is ultimately forced to choose between what he believes is the lesser of two evils. On one hand, he must consider helping the nationalist terrorist organization ETA, whose goal is Basque independence, or the Spanish government, who wishes to suppress ETA for their own personal gain.

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Successful start of 2016: Study abroad in the Basque Country

12540951_532428640265089_1089719634280670061_nIn January 2016, Dr. Borislava Manojlovic led a team of students in an immersive study abroad trip to the Basque Country, Spain. The course, titled “Memory and Conflict: Dealing with the Past Constructively,” allowed students to discover how different actors and institutions address processes of dealing with the region’s contentious past through education, justice, policymaking, and art.

The Basque Country has experienced protracted conflict described as “Europe’s longest war” with roots that can be traced to the time of Spanish Civil War and before. The Basque Study Abroad trip explored the consequences of the conflict and steps that are being taken to help spur the reconciliation process.

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