220px-The_Wolf_FilmPosterWritten by Paola Ordonez

The director of the Basque Research Team Dr. Borislava Manojlovic and other six members of the team:  Thomas Hill, Felipe Bueno, Gabriela Taveras, Paola Ordonez, Shahriar Chowdhury and Bryan Yeoh were hosting the event for students of the School of Diplomacy. A total of 14 attendees enjoyed the movie and the refreshments served followed by a brief discussion about the film.  During the review, the students mentioned  the most important moments of the movie such as the decision of the main character Txema to infiltrate ETA in order to help the Spanish Government.  Dr. Borislava moderated the discussion about this film which is based on a real story and received positive opinions from the students.  It was the first time for some of the students to learn about the Basque country and the past activities of ETA.

The meeting concluded with an interview conducted by the student interview producer Emily Livaudais who talked with Thomas Hill, Dr. Manojlovic and Paola Ordonez. The interview is going to be broadcasted on The Global Current Radio Station soon.  We are looking forward to share the interview as soon as it is available. Dr. Manojlovic and the team are looking forward to organize more similar events to promote our work and share it with the School and beyond.