Historic Archdiocesan Artifacts on Exhibit in Archives & Special Collections Center

Two recent acquisitions have provided artifacts currently on public view in the Msgr. William Noé Field Archives & Special Collections Center, first floor, Walsh Library, Seton Hall University.  The old St. Peter’s German Church, Belmont Avenue, Newark, supplied many items that afford a view of pre-Vatican II worship.  There are two memorial patens, still used in the service of Holy Communion, along with two intinction cups.  Hosts would have been placed in the bowls, and wine in the cup within the bowl, so the priest could dip the host into the wine before placing it on the tongue of the communicant.  There is a stole, worn with priestly vestments during mass and a maniple which would have been worn over the priest’s left arm while serving mass.  Reflecting the placement of the altar at the back wall of the sanctuary before Vatican II moved the altar forward, so the priest would face the congregation during mass, there are two altar cards.  These were framed Latin script which would be hung on the wall beside the altar for the priest to read during the service.  The Sacerdos Infundit vinum would have been read as the wine was poured into the communion vessels.  At the end of mass, the “Last Gospel”, the Initium Sancti Evangelii Secundum Joannem, John I:1-14, would be read.  These two altar cards offer a glimpse of the fine German woodwork throughout St. Peter’s church in these intricately carved frames with running ivy leaf forms.  An example of an illuminated Communion certificate from 1895 complements the German woodwork of the frames.  Completing the items used in serving mass is a silver tray [damaged by water] and one of its two cruets.  The silver handle and top of the cut glass cruet with grape leaf motif show that this one was for wine, where the one for water is missing.  Accompanying these sacramental items are two fine examples of parish life.  The tabernacle crucifix was presented to Rev. A. Stecher on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary Jubilee of the church building in 1897.  The Altar Rosary Society Banner from 1922, handpainted and embroidered on silk, completes the collection.

Altar Rosary Society Banner
Altar Rosary Society Banner

In the other case are the time capsule, a rectangular tin box from the cornerstone of the Chancery building on Mulberry Street, Newark.  Though the time capsule was sealed, moisture was still able to seep into the box as can be seen in the decay of the lining of the box which contained the bronze Immculate Conception Seminary medal fom 1927 with Bishop O’Connor on the reverse, and on the remains of his calling card which was with the medal in the box.  A protrait of Bishop Thomas J. Walsh who became Archbishop in 1937 when the Diocese of Newark was elevated to Archdiocese, also shows some decay.  Two newspapers, The Catholic News and The Paterson Evening News, were folded in an envelope, and weathered quite well to show an illustration and articles about the dedication of the building.  Along with a history of the church, several coins and stamps were placed in the capsule.  They include two Washington stamps, a one cent and a 3 cent, along with a two cent postage due stamp.  Accompanying a silver Pius X medal, are several coins including a1907 quarter, a 1923 Buffalo nickel, a 1925 Liberty dime and a 1901 Liberty nickel.

The Msgr. William Noé Field Archives and Special Collections Center is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  Research appointments are available.  Please call 973-761-9476 or 973-275-2378.  The exhibit, curated by Leonard Iannaccone and Kate Dodds, can be viewed from the hallway between the Archives and Walsh Gallery when the Library is open and will be up through May 21, 2012.

Trina Padilla de Sanz Collection Exhibit

Trina Padilla de Sanz Invitation

In honor of Hispanic Heritage month and beyond, the Monsignor William Noe’ Field Archives & Special Collections Center in conjunction with the Joseph A. Unanue Latino Institute at Seton Hall University proudly present an introductory view of selections from the Trina Padilla de Sanz Papers,  one of the most prolific writers of the last century.

Trina Padilla de Sanz (1864-1957) was a noted poet, suffragist and composer in her native Puerto Rico, and her influence continues to be felt throughout most of Latin America and beyond.   She is recognized as one of the most important literary figures in Puerto Rican history often writing under the non de plume La Hija del Caribe in honor of her father Dr. Jose Gualberto Padilla (1829-1896).  Padilla was a physician, journalist and political figure within his own lifetime, and like his daughter a compelling figure in the evolution of Puerto Rican identity during the 19th century.

This exhibit will run from September through December of 2011.  These materials can be viewed from the facade of the Monsignor William Noe’ Field Archives & Special Collections Center (located on the first floor of Walsh Library) during regular library hours.

For more information please contact Alan Delozier, University Archivist at (973) 275-2378, or via e-mail at:  Alan.Delozier@shu.edu

Catholic New Jersey History Publication Award

Monsignor William Noe’ Field Award for Catholic New Jersey History. 

This award named in honor of the late Monsignor William Noe’ Field
(1915-2000), a noted rare book librarian and bibliophile is bestowed on
the best publication in the field of New Jersey Catholic history produced
over the past two year period.  This award is open to everyone who has
published anything related to the major theme including general works,
(auto)biographies, diocesan works, institutional, parish, or other topics
related to Catholicism and New Jersey
between January 1, 2009 and December
31, 2010 is acceptable for consideration.

Amount of Award
The best submission will receive an award of $500.00

Formats Accepted
Book (Academic, Popular, Specialty Presses and Self-Published), Journal
(Peer-Reviewed or Non Academic); Thesis, Dissertation, Monograph,
Conference Proceedings, etc.  Other types of media will be considered if
they meet the thematic qualifications outlined above.

Application Criteria
Applicants will be required to submit two copies of their work to the
review committee along with a cover letter outlining their submission in

Materials need to be received by the review committee by July 1, 2011.

Announcement of Award
The awardee will be informed of the review committee decision by September
1, 2011.

Submission Information

Fernanda Perrone, Chair of Awards Committee
New Jersey Catholic Historical Commission
Msgr. William Noe’ Field Archives & Special Collections Center
Walsh Library – First Floor
Seton Hall University
400 South Orange Avenue
South Orange, NJ  07079

Alan De Lozier, Executive Director
(973) 275-2378

Catholic New Jersey History Research Award

Joseph F. Mahoney Research Award in New Jersey Catholic History

This newly established award named in honor of the late Professor Joseph
F. Mahoney (1928-2006), a noted scholar in American Catholicism and
esteemed former Executive Director of the New Jersey Catholic Historical
Commission will be bestowed on an individual planning to conduct research
related to Catholicism in New Jersey over the next year.  This award is
open to everyone who has a project that fits this criteria.

Amount of Award
The top submission will receive an award of $1,000.00

Application Criteria
Applicants will be required to submit a cover letter, a letter describing
their project, a budget, a curriculum vitae and at least one letter of

Materials need to be received by the review committee by July 1, 2011.

Announcement of Award
The recipient will be informed of the review committee decision by
September 1, 2011.

For More Information Please Contact

Submission Information

Fernanda Perrone, Chair of Awards Committee
New Jersey Catholic Historical Commission
Msgr. William Noe’ Field Archives & Special Collections Center
Walsh Library – First Floor
Seton Hall University
400 South Orange Avenue
South Orange, NJ  07079

Alan De Lozier, Executive Director
(973) 275-2378

Nursing in the Archdiocese of Newark Exhibit

Display case with nursing uniform and historic photograph

The Msgr. William Noé Field Archives and Special Collections Center has a new exhibit related to nursing in the Archdiocese of Newark.  Uniforms for graduates of two training programs are on display in a case which can be viewed from the hallway between the Walsh Gallery and the Archives, ground floor, Walsh Library.  From 1927 we have a uniform and cape, along with a class picture, donated by graduate Marion Mook’s daughter, Barbara Lieberman.  Ms. Mook Goodwin passed away recently at the age of 105, perhaps the last of her class.  The uniform, blue and white striped cotton with white apron, pinafore and collar was highly starched and accompanied by a traditional red-lined navy woolen cape with gold insignia buttons and OMH embroidered on the collar.  We did not receive a cap, but the starched winged style with single black ribbon can be seen in the photograph.

In contrast, the Seton Hall Nurse’s uniform from the 1950’s is blue with white piping and Seton Hall College insignia on the pocket that matches the one on the cap.  A black woolen blazer with insignia on the pocket would complete the ensemble.  This cap comprises two pieces of buckram.  One about four inches wide, with the Seton Hall seal, arches up over the crown and meets a band which borders the bottom of the crown piece, and meets in the back.  This would be pinned to the hair atop the head like the one from St. Mary’s Hospital.  Every nurses’ training school had a different cap by which the graduates could be identified.  Completing the exhibit is a Miss Seton Hall doll in Seton Hall Nurse’s uniform from cap to blue uniform.

The exhibit will be available whenever Walsh Library is open, through 30 June 2011.

For more information please contact exhibit creator and coordinator Kate Dodds at:  973-761-9476, or by e-mail at: Kathleen.Dodds@shu.edu