Essay 1: Landscape Revisited

Writing Exercise 1

You have now read two short stories, �The Bunchgrass Edge of the World� and �Yellow Woman�, a play �Riders to the Sea� and an essay �So the Darkness Shall be the Light�. Your job in this exercise is to select one text that is interesting to you, that poses an interesting problem or question related to nature. Remember that the main subject of this essay is landscape and it the way it affects the characters involved, whether it is Ottaline, the yellow woman, Maurya, or Gretel Ehrlich. Write down your initial impression and interpretation of the text you�ve selected. Tell us what led you to choose this piece, explain the question or problem that it raises for you and give us a brief interpretation of the text.

Writing Exercise 2

Now analyze and interpret specific details of the text. Examine the natural environment created by the writer how this affects the action and behavior of a particular character or group of characters. Consider the following questions as you analyze and interpret the text:

1. What is the relationship between the natural setting and the text�s character(s)?
2. How is this revealed in the text? 
3. How is the character influenced by her surrounding and why is this important? Trace the character’s development throughout the text.

Your job is to not only to analyze the text by looking the relationship between different parts and aspects of the text but also to INTERPRET, that is to explain what the text means, what the writer was trying to get at by using either metaphors, symbolism, fantasy, description, or evocative language. Provide only a brief summary. Retelling details of the text will not get you anywhere. Also, incorporate appropriate quotes as you analyze the text.

Writing Exercise 3

Go back to the question you raised in the initial exercise. What answer has your analysis and interpretation led to? You should have a better understanding of your chosen text now, and your MAIN IDEA or ARGUMENT should be related to the answer that you develop as a result of your analysis. Your job is to develop a clear argument from the investigation and interpretation of the text that is clearly supported by textual evidence.

Sample Essay from This Sequence                                                                                                       –Gita DasBender