
2024March 20242024 ElectionForeign CorrespondentsWorldOpinionInternational NewsU.S.

Biden’s Refocusing Act

Leading up to his State of the Union address on March 7th, President Biden faced immense pressure to respond to a vast array of issues and political pressures. On both the domestic and international front, serious questions have arisen and continue to persist regarding his capacity, and the capacity of the U.S. government, to respond to a multitude of crises around the world. It therefore came as no surprise that foreign policy, an area of politics oft-ignored in the leadup to presidential elections, became a focal point of his speech.

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2024March 2024OpinionU.S.

Should the U.S. Prioritize Cyber Defense in its Budget?

The exponential growth of digital technologies and the pervasive reach of the Internet have revolutionized global communication, commerce, and information exchange. In today’s interconnected world, where a substantial portion of daily activities occurs online, maintaining robust cyber security standards is not just advisable but imperative. The United States, faced with escalating cyber threats from foreign adversaries and the pervasive digitalization of critical infrastructure, must prioritize cybersecurity in its budget allocations to safeguard national security interests and ensure resilience in the face of evolving threats.

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Growing ProtestsInternational Response Israel-Hamas2024Sports Business and CultureMarch 2024WorldU.S.

Starbucks Boycott Raises Questions of Ethical Investing Practices

Starbucks has recently faced backlash due to its perceived stance and position on pressing social issues tied to the Israel-Gaza conflict. Protests at Starbucks locations can be traced back to the company’s lawsuit against Starbucks Workers United which seemingly began in opposition to the union’s public demonstration of solidarity with Palestine.

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2021April 2021International NewsU.S.AmericasMiddle East

The U.S. Announces Decision to Withdraw Troops from Afghanistan

United States President Joe Biden recently announced that he will withdraw  all American troops  from Afghanistan by September 11,  ending the United States’ 20-year war in Afghanistan, according to Al Jazeera. President Biden’s announcement means that the United States will not abide by the earlier May 1 deadline set and negotiated under the Trump administration.

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WorldWinter 2021 EditionAnalysisU.S.

How Social Media Influences Global Political Movements

Social media platforms are facing a myriad of criticisms, ranging from accusations of contributing to rising anxiety and suicide rates among Amer­ican teenagers to profiting from selling personal data and compromising indi­vidual privacy. The Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 demonstrated that prominent racial justice and equal­ity movements could be organized through digital activism, which gained widespread support and online en­gagement. Social media is an instru­ment of political change, but these changes are dangerously consequen­tial. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Capitol riots in the United States, and increase in political polarization, the world is abandoning the perception that social media does not significant­ly impact domestic and world politics.

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