Growing Protests

People across the globe are taking the streets to protests oil prices, religious oppression, and safety concerns.

Growing ProtestsInternational Response Israel-Hamas2024Sports Business and CultureMarch 2024WorldU.S.

Starbucks Boycott Raises Questions of Ethical Investing Practices

Starbucks has recently faced backlash due to its perceived stance and position on pressing social issues tied to the Israel-Gaza conflict. Protests at Starbucks locations can be traced back to the company’s lawsuit against Starbucks Workers United which seemingly began in opposition to the union’s public demonstration of solidarity with Palestine.

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October 2022Growing ProtestsFocus

FOCUS on Growing Protests: Haiti

Political instability, rising gang violence, and a cholera outbreak have reached a breaking point in Haiti, resulting in weeks of anti-government protests. BBC News reports that protests throughout the country have turned into looting, with police firing tear gas into crowds. The crisis has led the Haitian government, headed by Prime Minister Ariel Henry, to request foreign assistance to quell the increased violence.

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Growing ProtestsOctober 2022Focus2022

FOCUS on Growing Protests: Moldova

According to Reuters, global protests aimed at rising inflation and unaffordable gas prices have reached Moldova. Euractiv reports that Russian gas companies have threatened to stop gas supplies due to alleged Moldovan nonpayment, worsening the state of the country’s struggling economy and angering political groups that criticize Moldova’s dependence on Russian energy. Protests have broken out across the country.

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