Author: Christiana Mones

2022AfricaConflict and Security

Ethiopian Government Declares Humanitarian Ceasefire in Tigray

Ethiopian and Tigrayan leaders have agreed to a humanitarian ceasefire to halt the civil conflict that has raged in the country’s northern Tigray region for over a year. The United Nations and other international actors are hopeful that the cessation of fighting will allow for humanitarian aid to the region. Reuters reports that the ceasefire comes at a time when “more than 90 percent of the 5.5 million Tigrayans need food aid,” despite Ethiopian authorities affirming that aid deliveries have never been impeded.

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October 2020International News2020Middle East

Yemen and Houthi Talks Showcase First Step Towards Peace

After 10 days of intense negotiation, the Yemeni government coalition and Houthi rebels have agreed to release over 1,000 prisoners. The war between the two parties began in 2014, when a Houthi-led rebel group, backed by Iran, took control of the northern and western regions of Yemen, including the capital of Sanaa. In March 2015, a Saudi-led coalition intervened, displaying support for the internationally recognized Yemeni government headed by President Hadi. In recent months, the rebels have also intensified drone-strikes and missile attacks on Saudi Arabia.

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September 2020International NewsAsia2020

Series of Border Clashes Between China and India Escalate Geopolitical Tension 

The Galwan River Valley of Ladakh, a region claimed by both India and China, has been facing increased tensions over the past year. After more than four decades without any  bloodshed, the region was the scene for a bloody skirmish that began on June 15, 2020, according to World Politics Review. At least 20 Indian soldiers were killed by “fists, stones and nail studded bamboo,” CNN reports. The Chinese have not confirmed nor denied any casualties they undertook because of the June battle. Although talks took place over the following months to de-escalate the region, conflict broke out again. Lacking mutual trust and transparency, the talks accomplished little. 

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