Author: Envoy Staff Writer

2024April 2024International News

Ecocide & Genocide, Israels Amounting War Crimes

 May 7 marks eight months since the onset of the unprecedented Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which has now escalated into a genocide. While the primary focus remains on the trauma and suffering brought upon Palestinians, it is imperative to acknowledge the environmental devastation the war has caused, as it is inseparable from the humanitarian disaster and daily life in Gaza.

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2024April 2024School of Diplomacy News

UNGA President Dennis Francis Visits Seton Hall University

On March 26, 2024, Seton Hall University’s School of Diplomacy and International Relations hosted the President of the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations, Dennis Francis. He spoke to students, faculty, and alumni in a discussion on the role of the UN General Assembly in accomplishing the goals he set out for his administration as they aim to move toward peace, prosperity, and sustainability for all.

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2024April 2024WorldInternational News

Turkish Opposition Gets Victory in Local Elections

Local Turkish elections are unfolding and recent news shows that the future of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and current President Tayyip Erdoğan is uncertain. According to Brookings, Erdoğan’s early vows for Türkiye were to bring forth democratic reform but after almost decades of leadership the government has devolved into being “authoritarian and dysfunctional.”

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2024WorldInternational News

Argentina and Colombia Seek to Mend Relationship After Presidents Butt Heads

The governments of Argentina and Colombia have found themselves working to restore a friendly relationship in the wake of a dispute that started in late March of this year. According to a March 31 joint statement from both countries, “The respective governments have taken concrete steps to overcome any differences and strengthen this relationship.”

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