Author: Mark DiPietro


Tech Startup Spotlight: Waymo

With the recent uptick in popularity for Artificial Intelligence, people are constantly asking how this new tool can be used to improve people’s lives. One avenue that has been discussed for years is self-driving cars. Almost everyone has heard of this mission for autonomous driving, but few realize just how developed far down the path we currently are. To some readers, it may come as a surprise that autonomous trips are being done at full capacity on public roads in some parts of the country every day. This article will take a deep dive on one of the leading tech companies in this sphere that is making this pipe dream a reality, Waymo.

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Rule of Thumb: The Biometric Boom

As a general rule of thumb, things have been getting increasingly digital. Bluetooth connections are attempting to rid the world of tangled wire messes. Cryptocurrency is attempting to replace physical money with virtual wallets. Cloud storage is attempting to replace physical data warehouses with consolidated web servers. But there is one thing in tech that aims to go the opposite way, Biometrics.

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Scrum Methodology: Ingenious Evolution or Progress For Progress Sake?

For about ten years, Agile Project Management, and it’s famous brainchild Scrum Methodology, has dominated the software development industry. Some hail them for their innovative concepts that have jumpstarted teams to new heights. While others argue that it breeds micro-management and inefficiency. Over the course of this article, we will delve into this framework and try to identify strengths and weaknesses.

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Starship Technologies Paving Way for Robotics in Food Delivery

In the recent years of the exploding tech market, the movement of commodities has been the target of some of the most exciting advancements. From the revolutionary supply chain processes of Amazon to the killing of the taxi business by Uber and Lyft, the logistics of transportation has become a breeding ground for top-of-the-line innovation. The next target subsector of this industry is food delivery.

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