Meeting of May 3, 2013

1:00 pm
Beck rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Welcome and communication from the Chair: procedures for participating in the Faculty Senate

4. Approval of agenda

5. Approval of the draft minutes of the April 12 meeting

6. Executive Committee report

7. New Executive Committee election

*The 2013-2014 Faculty Senate commences, with a new Executive Board*

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Admissions Committee report

b. Compensation & Welfare Committee report

c. Core Curriculum Committee report

i. Proposed CCC By-Laws

d. Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee report

i. First Reading of proposed changes to FG Article 5.5.d (concerning voting procedures for promotion to full professor when there are no faculty of that rank in the department)

e.  Graduate Studies Committee report and faculty graduate workload survey summary

i. Motion to create a task force to investigate the issue of discounting graduate tuition.

f. Library Committee report

g. Program Review Committee report

i. Department of Religion Program Review Committee Report

ii. Communication from the Provost’s Office

9. Committees with no reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Policy Committee

c. Calendar Committee

d. Faculty Development Committee

e. Grievance Committee

f. Intellectual Property Task Force

g. Instructional Technology Committee

h. Nominations, Elections, & Appointments Committee

i. Senate Representative of the Graduate Policy Advisory Board

10. Committee motions

a. Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee

i. First Reading of proposed changes to FG Article 5.5.d (concerning voting procedures for promotion to full professor when there are no faculty of that rank in the department)

b. Graduate Studies Committee

i. Motion to create a task force to investigate the issue of discounting graduate tuition.

11. Old Business

i. Department of Religion Program Review Committee Report

12. New Business

i. First reading of College of Nursing Clinical Line with proposed changes to Faculty Guide Articles 3 and 4

13. Communications

14. Adjournment