Meeting of June 10, 2013

9:30 am
Beck rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Senior Associate Provost Guetti

4. Approval of agenda

5. Approval of the draft minutes of the May 3 meeting

6. Executive Committee report

i. Response from the Provost regarding the Latin American and Latino/Latina Studies Program Review Committee report

ii. Response and suggested language from the Provost regarding the eligibility of voting for chairpersons (Faculty Guide Article 10.1.a)

7. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

i.Resolution regarding the Master of Arts in Public Relations

 Resolved: The proposed Master of Arts in Public Relations is approved.

MA in Public Relations Proposal

ii. Resolution regarding proposed Minors in Music History and Music Technology

Resolved: The proposed Minors in Music History and Music Technology are approved.

Minor in Music History Proposal

b. Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee report

i.  Second reading of proposed changes to FG Article 5.5.d (concerning voting procedures for promotion to full professor when there are no faculty of that rank in the department)

Motion: To add to Faculty Guide Article 5.5.d

The departmental guidelines should clearly include teaching, research and service expectations for those who seek to demonstrate a portfolio appropriate for advancement to the rank of professor. As for a process of evaluation of this portfolio, candidates may submit two external reviews reflecting on the level and impact of their scholarly accomplishments. The Dean will approve the external reviewers proposed by the candidate. The department has the prerogative to submit a position on the promotion, but with no vote.

c.  Grievance Committee

i. 2013-2014 By-laws

d. Report from the Senate Representative of the Graduate Policy Advisory Board

e. Program Review Committee report

i. Police Graduate Studies Program Review Committee report

8. Committees with no reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Admissions Committee

c. Compensation & Welfare Committee

d. Calendar Committee

e. Core Curriculum Committee

f. Faculty Development Committee

g. Graduate Studies Committee

h. Instructional Technology Committee

i. Library Committee

j. Nominations, Elections, & Appointments Committee

9. Committee motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

i. Resolution regarding the Master of Arts in Public Relations

 Resolved: The proposed Master of Arts in Public Relations is approved.

ii. Resolution regarding proposed Minors in Music History and Music Technology

Resolved: The proposed Minors in Music History and Music Technology are approved.

b. Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee

i. Second reading of proposed changes to FG Article 5.5.d (concerning voting procedures for promotion to full professor when there are no faculty of that rank in the department)

Motion: To add to Faculty Guide Article 5.5.d

The departmental guidelines should clearly include teaching, research and service expectations for those who seek to demonstrate a portfolio appropriate for advancement to the rank of professor. As for a process of evaluation of this portfolio, candidates may submit two external reviews reflecting on the level and impact of their scholarly accomplishments. The Dean will approve the external reviewers proposed by the candidate. The department has the prerogative to submit a position on the promotion, but with no vote.

c. Program Review Committee

i. Police Graduate Studies Program Review Committee report

10. Old Business

i. Second reading of College of Nursing Clinical Line with proposed changes to Faculty Guide Articles 3 and 4

ii. First reading of the Provost’s suggested changes to Article 10.1.a

“Department chairpersons are elected by majority vote of faculty members (including full-time tenured faculty members, probationary faculty, and faculty associates) who will be continuing employment at the university in the subsequent year.  Since eligibility is based on continuance in the following year, eligibility may need to be clarified with the dean.  Faculty members on a terminal contract are not eligible to vote.”

11. New Business

12. Communications

13. Adjournment