O&C Cooperating Teacher and Clinical Supervisor Assessment

Welcome to your O&C Cooperating Teacher and Clinical Supervisor Assessment

At what point in the clinical placements is the Observation & Conference Report used?

The rating of Advanced Proficient may be used:

A rating of Emergent may be used

A Clinical Placement Alert Form should be completed when:

A rating of Not Observed may be used:

The purpose of the Observation and Conference Report is:

If a teacher candidate is placed in a setting without English Language Learners (ELLs), they can address Standard 2, Learning Differences, by:

The use of effective questioning strategies that promote metacognition is best addressed under:

The following behaviors would meet the criteria for Standard 10, Leadership & Collaboration:

An important underlying principle(s) in Standard 9, Professional Learning & Ethical Practice, is/are:

An important aspect(s) of Standard 6, Assessment is:

All standards within the O&C are aligned to:

Which of the following domains are NOT included in the InTASC standards?

Pre-clinical interns are typically at what level of their program?


  1. Warren Heede says:

    This presentation was informative and very helpful. I have a better understanding of the O&C and am better prepared for when I have to make my observation. Thank you!

  2. Paul Maloney says:

    This slide presentation will be very helpful for observing my Pre Clinical Interns. I watched the video a couple of times and will be helpful to look back on if I need to. Thank you.

  3. Auria Natal says:

    The information provided was a great tool to use when observing my Pre Clinical Intern. Many Thanks!

  4. Angella Morgan-Smith says:

    The information provided in the training video was helpful in providing guidance for me as I observe my Clinical Intern. Thank you.

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