Hybrid Learning Workshop Series from TLTC

There are several Hybrid projects currently underway within CEHS.  In addition, a main part of the CEHS Retreat on October 18, 2013 was focused on technology, terminology and different ways of integrating technology effectively.  This series being offered by TLTC is an excellent opportunity to learn more about Hybrid Course Development.  If you aren’t able to make a session, the presentations and recordings are available on this blog – http://blogs.shu.edu/ohcd/.

hybrid image
Hybrid courses carefully integrate online and face-to-face activities using the best aspects of both environments to meet the learning outcomes.  Replacing seat time with online lectures and activities allows for more focused face-to-face interactions, not to mention freeing up classroom space. The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center is pleased to present the Hybrid Course Design Workshop Series.
The workshops will be held on Fridays beginning October 18 through November 22, 2013 from 12noon to 1:30pm in the Computer Training Classroom, Walsh Library.A light lunch will be served.
For the workshop description and to register, click “Register Here”
Communication and Feedback
November 1, 2013 – Register Here
Using Open Educational Resources (OER) to Enhance Content
November 8, 2013 – Register Here
Activities for Hybrid Courses
November 15, 2013 – Register Here
Rethinking Assessment Strategies for Hybrid Courses
November 22, 2013 – Register Here
For more information contact Renee Cicchino at renee.cicchino@shu.edu.

Technology Terminology and Integration – CEHS College Retreat

ipad-apps-for-teachersOn Friday, October 18, 2013, the College of Education and Human Services had a college wide retreat. Dean May identified technology as the underlying theme for the retreat.  Aspects of the retreat focused on faculty sharing success stories of online and hybrid courses versus their on ground/face-to-face courses; a review of end of course evaluations and how well our students perceive their courses as effectively integrating technology and preparing them to teach using technology; and setting a baseline of technology terminology, tools, pathways of learning and methods of engagement.

Mary Zedeck, Instructional Designer from the TLTC, created and shared her Prezi on technology terms with the faculty.  In addition, she provided the faculty with the following document as a resource on terminology, tools and methods of engagement.

The retreat was an excellent opportunity for all of the faculty and administration to work from a common understanding.  It was the kick off for creating a baseline and launching the conversation for driving change and effectively integrating technology during the curriculum revision process.