EDST Notes/Documents


In addition to Diversity, CAEP has identified Technology & Digital Learning as a second underlying theme that is prominent throughout the standards and is aligned with the InTASC standards.

In an effort to further the conversation and alignment of the curriculum with the CAEP Standards and InTASC, the College of Education and Human Services developed this crosswalk between the CAEP Standards, CAEP components, identified focused areas within Technology & Digital Learning and the InTASC Standards.

This information was first shared at the CEHS College wide retreat on Friday, October 18, 2013 and was furthered discussed at the Curriculum Revision meeting on Friday, October 25, 2013.



At the Fall 2013 CAEP Conference in Washington, D.C.,  Donna Gollnick and Deborah Eldridge provided an overview of how the theme of Diversity was integrated throughout all of the CAEP standards.  In addition, they looked at how the theme of Diversity mapped to the the InTASC standards.

The following document is an extension of the work they presented at the conference.  It was prepared for the September 27, 2013 Curriculum Redesign meeting.



In an effort to communicate and align the new CAEP Standards with New Jersey’s Department of Education Regulations, the CEHS developed a crosswalk of the two areas. It was presented at the September 27, 2013 Curriculum Redesign meeting.

CAEP and NJ DOE Regulations Alignment.pdf