LocalStillman News

New Leadership Program Offered by Buccino Institute and CEPS

What do you get when you take the best leadership content from Seton Hall’s award-winning Buccino Leadership Institute and combine it with cutting-edge professional development skills from industry leaders? You get Leadership and Professional Development 101, a first-of-its-kind, certificate-bearing program offered by the Buccino Leadership Institute and the Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies (CEPS).

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European Super League Crumbles Amid Fan Backlash

The idea of a European “Super League” consisting of the best soccer teams on the continent has been long rumored to be in the works. These type of plans can be traced all the way back to the 1990s, if not earlier, as television networks and clubs look to maximize the profit they can make with higher quality competitions. However, 2021 saw this idea taken further than ever before, with an announcement coming in April that teams had already agreed to join a closed off continental competition.

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The Broadcast Live of the Former Officers Charged in George Floyd’s Murder

Derek Chauvin’s murder trial was the first Minnesota criminal trial that will be broadcasted live on TV. It will not be the last. Some in the Minnesota legal officials were troubled about permitting the live transmission of Chauvin’s trial in the murdering of George Floyd, yet the video channel had no serious issues and reinforced the public’s comprehension of the preliminary, Minnesota Public Radio News reported.  

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