
OpinionOpinion Features

On Hate Speech

As we all understand, the Constitution and the founding fathers who wrote it could have been better, and many things needed to be more specific. The Constitution outlines the right to free speech, stating, “Congress shall make no law…abridging freedom of speech,” but it does not define what “free speech” is… To begin, let us take a look at what history tells us.

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Take A Walk

It is known that completing higher levels of education is a time consuming, difficult and demanding task in a student’s life. A well-rounded lifestyle is vital for a productive learning environment, yet most students are not taking care of some aspects of their physical health, such as consistent exercise. Walking is a great form of cardiovascular exercise that is likely to be the most manageable for able-bodied individuals to participate in.

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OpinionOpinion Features

Public Investors Will Never Win – Thank the Private Markets

Despite the narrative of democratized investing being pushed by mobile trading apps, the “Gamestop Frenzy”, and the market share of retail investors growing from 10% in 2011 to 22+% 2022… the financial whales still gatekeep the best features of Wall Street for themselves. Private markets have locked up the best opportunities and thrown away the key. Inequity among investors has become increasingly apparent when evaluating the decrease in the value creation offered by U.S. IPO markets.

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Inappropriate Fan Behavior: Swifties

Taylor Swift is an internationally recognized popstar who has created a massive fanbase of die-hard “Swifties.” Many of these individuals have been following her career since her debut album, which was released in 2006. Over the last nearly 17 years of her career she has created ten albums, produced documentaries, as well as had multiple record-breaking world tours.

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