Author: Mark DiPietro


Does Hybrid Work Mean Companies Are Downsizing?

Almost every profession was forced into remote work at some point during the past 3 years, sparking an appetite for hybrid workplaces in the white-collar American workforce. While the research regarding the productivity of in-office vs remote work is still hotly contested, the white-hot labor market is making it undeniable that the majority of workplaces will be forced to offer some form of remote work.

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Tesla: The $1 Trillion Company

It is fair to say that, as it currently stands, Tesla has a firm grasp on the electric car industry. In addition to leading their industry, they are one of the most recognizable company household names, they are constantly innovating, and they are headed by CEO Elon Musk who essentially makes up the majority of Tesla’s marketing efforts by consistently drumming up press, week after week.

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Ex-Cybersecurity Officer Bodes Warning in Farewell to the Department of Defense

Nicholas Chaillian, a French-born, former technology entrepreneur turned U.S. Government Executive is stepping down from his role as Chief Software Officer of the Air Force, a role he has held since May of 2018. In a bombastic resignation statement, a frustrated Chaillian claims that the U.S. has all but lost the battle to control Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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