Sidebar Login Is Back!

Sidebar Login Is Back!

The latest update of the Sidebar Widget works nicely with our systems. If you want an easy way to log in from your blog’s home screen, just follow this simple recipe.

New Themes

New Themes

We’ve added two new themes for you to work with. Clean Retina is “a Simple, Clean and Responsive Retina Ready WordPress Theme which adapts automatically to your tablets and mobile devices.” It has lots of theme options so you can customize, including...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

To help celebrate, we’ve upgraded the blog system to WordPress 3.5. The biggest change is the new media manager. It’s easier to use — all you have to do is drag-and-drop your media files onto the popup. It’s especially speedy when you’re...
Featured Image Bug – Updated and Fixed

Featured Image Bug – Updated and Fixed

If you’re using the Arras theme, or another one that’s dependent on featured images, Drag and drop the image you want from your desktop into the “Featured Image” box in the right-hand column. You won’t be able to do it from within the...

Four New Themes

Do you want to customize your blog? Really customize it? Four freshly installed themes give you more control than you ever dreamed of.

They all offer menus, custom layouts and/or colors, widgets, multi-columns, color schemes; and each has its own special tweaks – icons, sliders, fonts, mobile versions. The possibilities to make your blog unique will grow exponentially.

Some details on what they offer…

New Plug-in: Broken Link Checker

Do you have a lot of external links on your site, but you don’t have the time to review them all to make sure they haven’t broken? Activate the Broken Link Checker plugin.

Compress Your Uploads for Faster Pages

Upload files that are too big, and readers will get frustrated and simply cancel the download. Or, they’ll get the file but it will be cumbersome to work with and hard to navigate through. Here are some tips to make your blog posts a little lighter on their feet.

Get TLTC Blogs on Your Mobile Device

Get TLTC Blogs on Your Mobile Device

We’ve installed a slick new plugin across the blogs we host that provides a very clean interface for mobile phones and tablets. With it you get your choice of many custom icons — or you can create your own — and lots of flexibility with colors, backgrounds and menus.

Try your blog, and let us know what you think!



What’s a gravatar? It’s one of those icons that appears in association with people’s names on a blog. Here’s how to get one.