Uncertainty in Spain as Parliament Struggles to Form New Government

This article was originally published in the Diplomatic Envoy by Gabriela Taveras   The Socialist Workers’ Party of Spain (PSOE) decided earlier this fall to hold a third general election next year, according to Politico. Political gridlock has besieged the...

The Nascent Spirit of Solidarity: The Refugee Policies in the Basque Country

Last year, the Basque Government donated US $257,000 to the UN Relief and Work Agency’s Syria’s Response Plan. Justice counselor and Basque Government Speaker, Josu Erkoreka, announced in September of 2015 that the Basque Country would accept 1,000 refugees over the next two years.

Successful start of 2016: Study abroad in the Basque Country

12540951_532428640265089_1089719634280670061_nIn January 2016, Dr. Borislava Manojlovic led a team of students in an immersive study abroad trip to the Basque Country, Spain. The course, titled “Memory and Conflict: Dealing with the Past Constructively,” allowed students to discover how different actors and institutions address processes of dealing with the region’s contentious past through education, justice, policymaking, and art.

The Basque Country has experienced protracted conflict described as “Europe’s longest war” with roots that can be traced to the time of Spanish Civil War and before. The Basque Study Abroad trip explored the consequences of the conflict and steps that are being taken to help spur the reconciliation process.

Is Peace in the Near Future?

In 2009 the Abertzale Left’s announcement of their unilateral decision for peace in what is considered Europe’s longest war was a major turning point for the Basque people. [i] A domino effect began as terrorist group, Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA), declared a ceasefire...

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Bilbao Effect: Lessons Learned from the Basque Guggenheim

Bilbao Effect: Lessons Learned from the Basque Guggenheim

“Seduction consists of having people wish for something that you wish for without you having to ask for it”, says Thomas Krens, the Guggenheim’s Senior Advisor for International Affairs, “It’s all about the transfer of desire.” In 1991, Krens met with Basque officials...

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Daisy Caballero

DaisyDaisy Natalia Caballero is an undergraduate student at Seton Hall University’s School of Diplomacy and International Relations. She is currently pursuing a degree in International Relations with a minor in Criminal Justice. Daisy moved to the United States in 2010 from Costa Rica. This move enables her to value diversity, change, and differences. Furthermore, her interests are human rights, gender equality, and conflict resolution.

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Tatum Haberman

Tatum HabermanTatum Haberman is an undergraduate student at Seton Hall University’s School of Diplomacy and International Relations. Tatum is specializing in Diplomacy and International Relations with a minor in Russian. She was first informed about the Basque Research team through Professor Manojlovic. Tatum is interested in working with human rights issues, reconciliation after conflict, and peacekeeping around the world. She has become interested in the Basque Country after learning about their great success and development despite the differences that the surrounding countries have with this unique region.

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