
It’s Time for Us to Begin Drilling for Ice…on the Moon?

NASA has determined the landing site for its new lunar explorer to search for ice below the moon’s surface. A robotic lander, called the Nova-C lander, will be sent to the moon’s south pole in an area near the Shackleton crater. The lunar explorer is being sent to the moon ahead of the Artemis Program, NASA’s scheduled manned mission to the moon, to search for a source of water that could sustain the astronauts.

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Apple’s (Too) Thin Macs

On April 20th, Apple had their first release event of the year as the tech giant rolled out a few new gadgets for the awaiting masses. The day was packed with big product announcements like the new iPad Pro which runs on M1 processors, smaller news like the release of the Air Tag and the revamped Apple Pencil, and positive PR changes like the pledge to become completely carbon neutral by 2030. However, everyone will be sure to agree that the main event was the new Mac design.

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You May Soon Be Able to Send Cryptocurrency to Friends Through Text Message

Signal Payments, a leading payment processing solution in Canada, is currently working on an encrypted messaging service that will allow you to send cryptocurrency over a text message. Similar to how you send money through Apple or Android Pay, Signal hopes that cryptocurrency payments will be able to be exchanged using an app. The application, called MobileCoin, supports MOB and will allow users to send money in any form they would like, but with a new option- cryptocurrency.

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The Future of E-Bikes is on a Move!

Bicycles, an invention thought up in the 1800s, suffered one of the worst occurrences of supply deficiency in the summer of 2020. Prices of bikes were soaring extraordinarily high, more than they have in at least a decade. The feelings of cabin fever from lockdown, mixed with the dangers of spreading, reopened many to the possibility of using bicycles for transportation. Obviously, a traditional bicycle has its limitations. However, so many of the aspects of traditional bicycles are remedied by the emerging market of E-Bikes, or bikes that have an electric motor to assist or completely replace pedaling.

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