Meeting of September 10th

1. Sign in for Quorum

2. Call to Order

3. Communications from the Provost

4. Communications from the Provost
2021-FS-08 – Memo re Grad Certificate in Business Analytics
2021-FS-09 – From Provost – Memo re MBA Concentration in Business Analytics
2021-FS-13 – Memo re Public Relations Track in the MA in Communication
2021-FS-14 – Memo re Bylaws Interpretation
•  2021-FS-16 – Memo re Return to Campus Library Uses Survey
2021-FS-17 – Memo re Program Review Report – Stillman School of Business
•  2021-FS-18 – Memo re Resolution on Graduate Assistantships
•  2021-FS-19 – Memo re AFC Recommendations for UC Renovations
•  021-FS-21 – Memo re Pandemic Impact

5. Approval of the agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the June 4, 2021 meeting

7.  Executive Committee report
     HICT Questions 9-21
     Provosts Presentation to AAC of Board 8-31-21

8. Reports of standing and special committees
a. Academic Facilities Committee
b. Compensation and Welfare Committee
Motion: Removal of Doctoral Tuition Remission Benefit for SHMS Faculty
c. Faculty Development
d. Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee
e. Graduate Studies Committee
f.  Library Committee
g. Instructional Technology Committee
h.  Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee
i.  University Core Curriculum Committee

9. Committees with No Reports
a. Academic Integrity Committee
b. Academic Policy Committee
c. Admissions Committee
d. Calendar Committee
e. Faculty Development Committee
f. Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee
g. Faculty Grievance Committee
h. Graduate Studies Committee
i. Program Review Committee
j. Merit Pay Task Force Committee

10. HITC Report

11. Committee Motions
a.  Compensation and Welfare Committee Resolution
b.  Motion on Report to the Board
c. Motion on Dean of the School of Diplomacy

12. Communications
a. Diversity Statement
b. Academic Freedom Beyond the Classroom

13. Old Business

14. New Business

15. Adjournment

Meeting of June 4th

1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the May 7th, 2021 meeting

7. Comprehensive Advising System Discussion with Drs. Steven Lorenzet & Marianne Lloyd

8. Career Center Survey Discussion with Alison MacMillan

9. Executive Committee report (revised)

10. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Facilities Committee report

b. Academic Policy Committee report

c. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

d. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee report

e. Graduate Studies Committee report

f. Instructional Technology Committee report

g. Library Committee report

h. Program Review Committee report

11. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Integrity Committee

b. Calendar Committee

c. Faculty Development Committee

d. Grievance Committee

e. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

f. University Core Curriculum Committee

12. Committee Motions

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Policy Committee

c. Compensation and Welfare Committee

d. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

e. Program Review Committee

13. Old Business

14. New Business

15. Communications

16. Adjournment

Meeting of May 7th

1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the April 23rd, 2021 meeting

7a. Executive Committee report

7b. Executive Committee Elections

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

b. Calendar Committee report

c. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

d. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee report

e. Graduate Studies Committee report

f. Library Committee

g. Program Review Committee report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Committee

c. Faculty Development Committee

d. Grievance Committee

e. Instructional Technology Committee

f. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

g. University Core Curriculum Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

b. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

c. Graduate Studies Committee

d. Library Committee

e. Program Review Committee

11. Old Business

12. New Business

a. Admissions Committee report

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of April 23rd

1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the March 26th, 2021 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Facilities Committee report

b. Academic Policy Committee report

c. Compensation and Welfare Committee report – CORRECTED

d. Graduate Studies Committee report

e. Instructional Technology Committee report

f. University Core Curriculum Committee report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Integrity Committee

b. Admissions Committee

c. Calendar Committee

d. Faculty Development Committee

e. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

f. Grievance Committee

g. Library Committee

h. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

i. Program Review Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of March 26th

1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Communications from the Office of Student Services

  • New Event Promotion One-Sheet: A helpful one-page resource for members of the University community to use when they are looking to promote events or initiatives. Planning a successful event requires adequate promotion. Outlined on the page are all of the avenues to promote an event to the fullest extent possible. From a listing on the University Calendar, to utilizing the correct dimensions for hanging a flyer in the University Center, reference this Seton Hall branded one-pager for all your event needs.
  • Included in the Event Promotion One-Sheet is a new, streamlined process for submitting information in weekly email communications and monthly newsletters. Submit language in a weekly email to students, a monthly DEI newsletter, or Inside the Hall, among other email sends. When completed by the deadline, this form ensures that your event or initiative will be disseminated to the appropriate audience(s) in an upcoming email send.

6. Approval of agenda

7. Approval of the draft minutes of the February 26th, 2021 meeting

8. Executive Committee report

9. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Facilities Committee report

b. Academic Policy Committee report

c. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

d. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

e. Graduate Studies Committee report

f. Program Review Committee report

10. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Integrity Committee

b. Admissions Committee

c. Calendar Committee

d. Faculty Development Committee

e. Grievance Committee

f. Instructional Technology Committee

g. Library Committee

h. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

i. University Core Curriculum Committee

11. Committee Motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee

c. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

12. Old Business

13. New Business

14. Communications

15. Adjournment


Meeting of February 26th

1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Brief Update from the DegreeWorks task force and Council for student success

6. Approval of agenda

7. Approval of the draft minutes of the January 29th, 2021 meeting

8. Executive Committee report

9. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Facilities Committee report

b. Admissions Committee

c. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

d. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee report

e. Graduate Studies Committee report

f. Instructional Technology Committee report

g. Library Committee report

10. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Integrity Committee

b. Academic Policy Committee

c. Calendar Committee

d. Faculty Development Committee

e. Grievance Committee

f. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

g. Program Review Committee

h. University Core Curriculum Committee

11. Committee Motions

a. Admissions Committee

b. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

c. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee & Graduate Studies Committee

12. Old Business

13. New Business

14. Communications

15. Adjournment


Meeting of January 29th

1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the December 11th, 2020 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Admissions Committee report

b. Calendar Committee report

c. Graduate Studies Committee report

d. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Committee

c. Academic Policy Committee

d. Compensation and Welfare Committee

e. Faculty Development Committee

f. Grievance Committee

g. Instructional Technology Committee

h. Library Committee

i. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

j. Program Review Committee

k. University Core Curriculum Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

  • February 12, at 3:00pm, Mark Criley, AAUP Program Officer on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Governance, will give a presentation on shared governance. Contact Dr. Roseanne Mirabella for details.

14. Adjournment

Meeting of December 11th

1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the November 13th, 2020 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

c. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Committee

c. Admissions Committee

d. Calendar Committee

e. Faculty Development Committee

f. Graduate Studies Committee

g. Grievance Committee

h. Instructional Technology Committee

i. Library Committee

j. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

k. Program Review Committee

l. University Core Curriculum Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

b. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of November 13th

1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the October 9th, 2020 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Admissions Committee report

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

c. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee report

d. Graduate Studies Committee report

e. Instructional Technology Committee report

f. Library Committee report

g. University Core Curriculum Committee report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Committee

c. Academic Policy Committee

d. Calendar Committee

e. Faculty Development Committee

f. Grievance Committee

g. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

h. Program Review Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of October 9th

Microsoft Teams


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the September 11th, 2020 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Facilities Committee report

b. Academic Policy Committee report

c. Admissions Committee report

d. Calendar Committee report

e. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

f. Graduate Studies Committee report

g. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee report

h. Instructional Technology Committee report

i. University Core Curriculum Committee report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Integrity Committee

b. Faculty Development Committee

c. Grievance Committee

d. Library Committee

e. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

f. Program Review Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee

c. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

d. University Core Curriculum Committee

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment