Meeting of October 19, 2018

1:00 pm

Beck rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Senior Associate Provost Dr. Joan Guetti

4. Approval of agenda

5. Approval of the draft minutes of the September 7, 2018 meeting

6. Executive Committee report

a. Draft Edits to the Recording Policy 

b. Draft Policy on Intimate Relationships

7. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report 

i. MOTION: To approve Certificate in Population Focused Nursing Practice 

1. Additional Documents Certificate in Population Focused Nursing Practice

2. Nursing Course Comparison 

3. SHMS Course Comparison 

ii. MOTION: To approve MA in Applied Behavioral Analysis

1. Market Analysis Documents for MA in Applied Behavioral Analysis

2. Library Endorsement of MA in Applied Behavioral Analysis 

iii. MOTION: To approve Online EdS in Education Leadership

       b. Admissions Committee report

c. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

d. Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee report

i. FIRST READING: Revised Article 3 of the Faculty Guide

ii. Memo re: changes to Article 3 of the Faculty Guide 

e. Graduate Studies Committee report

f. Instructional Technology Committee report

g. Library Committee report

h. Program Review Committee report

i. University Core Curriculum Committee report

9. Committees with no reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

c. Calendar Committee

d. Faculty Development Committee

e. Grievance Committee

f. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

i. MOTION: To approve Certificate in Population Focused Nursing Practice

ii. MOTION: To approve Application for MA in Applied Behavioral Analysis

iii. MOTION: To approve Online EdS in Education Leadership 

b. Faculty Guide Committee

i. FIRST READING: Revised Article 3 of the Faculty Guide

ii. Memo re: changes to Article 3 of the Faculty Guide 

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of September 7, 2018

9:00 am
Beck rooms
1. Sign in for quorum
2. Call to order

3. Communications from Interim Provost Dr. Karen Boroff

a. Responses to Senate Resolutions

i. Minor in Sports Media Part 1

ii. Minor in Sports Media Part II

iii Diversity Requirement Proposed by Arts and Sciences

iv. Elimination of the Oral Communications Category from the College of Arts and            Sciences’ Core 

v. Online Executive MS in International Affairs 

vi. Dual 4+2 Degree in Psychology and Speech Language Pathology 

vii. Revision of Faculty Guide Article 10.3.b.18.

viii. Memo re: Faculty Guide Interpretation Academic Integrity Policy 2018-FS-17

4. Approval of agenda

5. Approval of the draft minutes of the June 1, 2018 meeting

6. Executive Committee report

a.MOTION to endorse the Executive Committee approval of the 4+2 Psychology (BA or BS) and Speech Pathology (MS) degree.

              b. MOTION to endorse the Executive Committee approval of the Faculty
             Guide interpretation of the Academic Integrity Policy.

c. MOTION to approve the revisions of Faculty Guide Articles 1 and 2

7. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

b. Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee report

c. Graduate Studies Committee report

d. University Core Curriculum Committee report

8. Committees with no reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

       b. Academic Policy Committee

c. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

       d. Admissions Committee

e. Calendar Committee

f. Faculty Development Committee

g. Faculty Grievance Committee

       h. Instructional Technology Committee

i. Library Committee

j. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

k. Program Review Committee

9. Committee Motions

a. Executive Committee

i. MOTION to endorse the Executive Committee approval of the 4+2 Psychology (BA or BS) and Speech Pathology (MS) degree.

              ii. MOTION to endorse the Executive Committee approval of the Faculty
              Guide interpretation of the Academic Integrity Policy.

iii. MOTION to approve the revisions to Faculty Guide Articles 1 and 2

10. Old Business

11. New Business

12. Communications

13. Adjournment

Meeting of June 1, 2018

9:00 am
Beck rooms
1. Sign in for quorum
2. Call to order

3. Communications from Interim Provost Dr. Karen Boroff

a. Responses to Senate Resolutions

i. Memo re: Endorsement of Revisions to the Merit Policy

ii. Memo re: Revisions to Faculty Guide Article 10.1

4. Approval of agenda

5. Approval of the draft minutes of the May 9, 2018 meeting

6. Executive Committee report


Whereas faculty from the School of Health and Medical Sciences and the School of Theology have separate Faculty Guides,

And whereas the faculty in those schools are only covered by certain sections of Article XII of the Faculty Guide and Article XIII of the Faculty Guide,

Be it resolved that Senators from the School of Health and Medical Sciences and the School of Theology may only vote on changes to Faculty Guide Article 1 and those sections on University Governance (Article 12) and General Governance (Article 13) that apply to the School of Theology and to the School of Health and Medical Sciences.

7. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

i. MOTION: The Senate approves eliminating the oral communication category from the College of Arts and Sciences core and replacing it with an Oral Communication proficiency, i.e., requiring all A&S students to take an Oral Communication proficiency. This change to the core will take effect in academic year 2019-2020.

ii. MOTION: The Senate approves the Minor in Sports Media.

       b. Admissions Committee report 

c. Calendar Committee report 

d. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

e. Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee report 

i. MOTION: The Senate approves the changes to the Faculty Grievance Committee Bylaws

f. Graduate Studies Committee report

g. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

a. Call for Nominations: Albert B. Hakim Faculty Service Medal

h. University Core Curriculum Committee report

8. Committees with no reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

       c. Faculty Development Committee

d. Grievance Committee

       e. Instructional Technology Committee

f. Library Committee

g. Program Review Committee

9. Committee Motions

a. Executive Committee


Whereas faculty from the School of Health and Medical Sciences and the School of Theology have separate Faculty Guides,

And whereas the faculty in those schools are only covered by certain sections of Article XII of the Faculty Guide and Article XIII of the Faculty Guide,

Be it resolved that Senators from the School of Health and Medical Sciences and the School of Theology may only vote on changes to Faculty Guide Article 1 and those sections on University Governance (Article 12) and General Governance (Article 13) that apply to the School of Theology and to the School of Health and Medical Sciences.

b. Academic Policy Committee

i. MOTION: The Senate approves eliminating the oral communication category from the College of Arts and Sciences core and replacing it with an Oral Communication proficiency, i.e., requiring all A&S students to take an Oral Communication proficiency. This change to the core will take effect in academic year 2019-2020.

ii. MOTION: The Senate approves the Minor in Sports Media.

c. Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee

i. MOTION: the Senate approves the changes to the Faculty Grievance Committee Bylaws.

10. Old Business

11. New Business

12. Communications

13. Adjournment