Meeting of September 11th

Microsoft Teams


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the June 5th, 2020 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Facilities Committee report

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

MOTION: Resolution on Budget Availability

MOTION: Resolution on Budgetary Accountability to Faculty

c. Faculty Development Committee report

d. Instructional Technology Committee report

MOTION: Resolution on Reopening Student Hyflex vs. Remote Survey 

e. Library Committee report

f. University Core Curriculum Committee report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Integrity Committee

b. Academic Policy Committee

c. Admissions Committee

d. Calendar Committee

e. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

f. Graduate Studies Committee

g. Grievance Committee

h. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

i. Program Review Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Executive Committee

MOTION: Endorsement of EC Approval of Test-Optional Admissions for 2021

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee

MOTION: Resolution on Budget Availability

MOTION: Resolution on Budgetary Accountability to Faculty

c. Instructional Technology Committee

MOTION: Resolution on Reopening Student Hyflex vs. Remote Survey 

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of June 5th, 2020

Microsoft Teams


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from the Provost, Dr. Katia Passerini

4. Communications from the Provost’s Office

5. Communications from Lori A. Brown, J.D., Chief Equity, Diversity & Compliance Officer

6. Approval of agenda

7. Approval of the draft minutes of the May 8th, 2020 meeting

8. Executive Committee report

9. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

    • MOTION: Whereas dual degrees between some undergraduate majors and SHU law already exist and a BSW-JD combination would offer additional opportunities for students, be it resolved that the 3+3 BSW+JD is approved.
    • MOTION: Whereas the combination of the BSW+JD+MSW would provide a path for students who wish to practice as clinical social workers and are interested in areas of practice related to law, be it resolved that the 3+3+1 BSW+JD+MSW is approved.

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

c. Faculty Development Committee report

d. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

e. Graduate Studies Committee report

f. Instructional Technology Committee report

g. Library Committee report

10. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

c. Admissions Committee

d. Calendar Committee

e. Grievance Committee

f. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

g. Program Review Committee

h. University Core Curriculum Committee

11. Committee Motions

a. Executive Committee report

b. Academic Policy Committee

    • MOTION: Whereas dual degrees between some undergraduate majors and SHU law already exist and a BSW-JD combination would offer additional opportunities for students, be it resolved that the 3+3 BSW+JD is approved.
    • MOTION: Whereas the combination of the BSW+JD+MSW would provide a path for students who wish to practice as clinical social workers and are interested in areas of practice related to law, be it resolved that the 3+3+1 BSW+JD+MSW is approved.

c. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

12. Old Business

13. New Business

14. Communications

15. Adjournment

Meeting of May 8th, 2020

Online via Microsoft Teams


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Interim Provost Dr. Karen Boroff

4. Communications from the Provost’s Office

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the April 17th, 2020 meeting

7a. Executive Committee report

i. Welcome and Rules for Senators

7b. Executive Committee Elections

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

i. MOTION: Whereas the 3+2 MPA already exists with at least three A&S undergraduate degree programs and expanding such partnerships gives more students access to an important graduate degree credential, be it resolved that the new 3+2 MPA and BA in BIOL, SOBS, AFAM, and CAST are approved.

ii. MOTION: Whereas changing the name of the Online MPA in Nonprofit Management to a more generic name would broaden the programs student appeal, be it resolved that the Online MPA in Nonprofit Management change in name to Online MPA is approved.

iii. MOTION: Whereas revisions to the current DAVA program would make the critical academic skill sets offered by this program more accessible to students, be it resolved that the name change from DAVA to Data Analytics, the move from a certificate to an undergraduate minor in Data Analytics, and the reduction in credits in the graduate certificate in Data Analytics are approved.

iv. MOTION: Whereas obtaining a CFP certification requires a rigorous academic background in finance and wealth management, be it resolved that the new undergraduate minor in Wealth Management from the Stillman School of Business (BFWM) is approved.

v. MOTION: Whereas strategic collaborations with institutions outside Seton Hall provides critical opportunities to bolster enrollments at Seton Hall, be it resolved that the new 3+2 accelerated graduate program between XISU and Seton Hall’s Asian Studies Program is approved. Be it further resolved that the Academic Policy Committee recommends that if enrollment for this new accelerated graduate program is significant, it would be beneficial for the Department of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures to request an early program review for the Asian Studies Program.

vi. MOTION: Whereas academic study of data science is growing in demand in a number of industries or professions, be it resolved that the new 3+2 accelerated, dual-degree program between the B.A./Minor in Mathematics and M.S. in Data Science, from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, is approved.

vii. MOTION: Whereas grappling and responding to questions of structural inequalities are increasingly central to the mission of the social work profession, be it resolved that the new undergraduate certificate in Social Work Policy and Justice from the Social Work Program in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work is approved.

b. Calendar Committee report 

c. Faculty Development Committee report

d. Faculty Guide & By-Laws Committee

i. Old Business: First Reading: Revised Article 10 of the Faculty Guide

e. Graduate Studies Committee report

f. Instructional Technology Committee report 

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

c. Admissions Committee

d. Compensation and Welfare Committee

e. Grievance Committee

f. Library Committee

g. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

h. Program Review Committee

i. University Core Curriculum Committee

10. Old Business

a. Faculty Guide & By-Laws Committee

i. Old Business: First Reading: Revised Article 10 of the Faculty Guide

11. Committee Motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

i. MOTION: Whereas the 3+2 MPA already exists with at least three A&S undergraduate degree programs and expanding such partnerships gives more students access to an important graduate degree credential, be it resolved that the new 3+2 MPA and BA in BIOL, SOBS, AFAM, and CAST are approved.

ii. MOTION: Whereas changing the name of the Online MPA in Nonprofit Management to a more generic name would broaden the programs student appeal, be it resolved that the Online MPA in Nonprofit Management change in name to Online MPA is approved.

iii. MOTION: Whereas revisions to the current DAVA program would make the critical academic skill sets offered by this program more accessible to students, be it resolved that the name change from DAVA to Data Analytics, the move from a certificate to an undergraduate minor in Data Analytics, and the reduction in credits in the graduate certificate in Data Analytics are approved.

iv. MOTION: Whereas obtaining a CFP certification requires a rigorous academic background in finance and wealth management, be it resolved that the new undergraduate minor in Wealth Management from the Stillman School of Business (BFWM) is approved.

v. MOTION: Whereas strategic collaborations with institutions outside Seton Hall provides critical opportunities to bolster enrollments at Seton Hall, be it resolved that the new 3+2 accelerated graduate program between XISU and Seton Hall’s Asian Studies Program is approved. Be it further resolved that the Academic Policy Committee recommends that if enrollment for this new accelerated graduate program is significant, it would be beneficial for the Department of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures to request an early program review for the Asian Studies Program.

vi. MOTION: Whereas academic study of data science is growing in demand in a number of industries or professions, be it resolved that the new 3+2 accelerated, dual-degree program between the B.A./Minor in Mathematics and M.S. in Data Science, from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, is approved.

vii. MOTION: Whereas grappling and responding to questions of structural inequalities are increasingly central to the mission of the social work profession, be it resolved that the new undergraduate certificate in Social Work Policy and Justice from the Social Work Program in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work is approved.

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of April 17th, 2020

Online via Teams


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Remarks from University President Dr. Joseph Nyre

4. Communications from the Provost’s Office

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the March 13th, 2020 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

a. MOTION: Resolution in Memory of Professor Robert E. Shapiro

b. MOTION: Resolution Recommending an Optional One-Year Extension of the Tenure Clock in Response to the Coronavirus

c. MOTION: Resolution Recommending Program Changes be Informed by the Strategic Plan and a Cohesive Academic Vision and Resources rather than P/L of Individual Programs

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

i. MOTION: Whereas 3+3 BA-JD Dual Degree Programs are already in place in Diplomacy, Stillman, and in Political Science and Public Affairs, this new BA-JD program between Religion and the Law School expands and diversifies such offerings for undergraduate students; Be it resolved that the new 3+3 BA-JD Dual Degree Program from the Department of Religion and Seton Hall’s Law School is approved to provide high achieving undergraduate students an additional accelerated pathway to law school.

ii. MOTION: Whereas the study of world affairs/international relations is increasingly important for careers in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors; Be it resolved that the new Certificate in Global Affairs from the School of Diplomacy is approved to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity for an additional credential in the study of world affairs/international affairs.

b. Admissions Committee report

c. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

d. Faculty Development Committee report

e. Faculty Guide & By-Laws Committee

i. MOTION: First Reading: Revised Article 10 of the Faculty Guide

f. Graduate Studies Committee report

For reference:

i. GSC Resolution 5.10.19

ii. Provost Response 6.28.19

g. Instructional Technology Committee report

h. Library Committee report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

c. Calendar Committee

d. Grievance Committee

e. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

f. Program Review Committee

g. University Core Curriculum Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Executive Committee

i. MOTION: Resolution in Memory of Professor Robert E. Shapiro

ii. MOTION: Resolution Recommending an Optional One-Year Extension of the Tenure Clock in Response to the Coronavirus

iii. MOTION: Resolution Recommending Program Changes be Informed by the Strategic Plan and a Cohesive Academic Vision and Resources rather than P/L of Individual Programs

b. Academic Policy Committee

i. MOTION: Whereas 3+3 BA-JD Dual Degree Programs are already in place in Diplomacy, Stillman, and in Political Science and Public Affairs, this new BA-JD program between Religion and the Law School expands and diversifies such offerings for undergraduate students; Be it resolved that the new 3+3 BA-JD Dual Degree Program from the Department of Religion and Seton Hall’s Law School is approved to provide high achieving undergraduate students an additional accelerated pathway to law school.

ii. MOTION: Whereas the study of world affairs/international relations is increasingly important for careers in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors; Be it resolved that the new Certificate in Global Affairs from the School of Diplomacy is approved to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity for an additional credential in the study of world affairs/international affairs.

c. Faculty Guide & By-Laws Committee

i. MOTION: First Reading: Revised Article 10 of the Faculty Guide

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of March 13th, 2020

Beck Rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Interim Provost Dr. Karen Boroff

4. Communications from the Provost’s Office

a. FS-01-2020: Ad Hoc Advancement and Relations Committee

b. FS-03-2020: Faculty Guide Interpretation – Reorganization of College of Communication and the Arts

c. FS-26-2019: Tenure and Promotion Guidelines

d. FS-27-2019 Faculty Associate Course Load

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the February 14th, 2020 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Admissions Committee report

MOTION: Best Practices for Faculty Presentations at SHU Open House

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

MOTION: Tuition Remission Resolution

c. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee report

MOTION: First Reading: Revised Article 10 of the Faculty Guide

d. Graduate Studies Committee report

e. Instructional Technology Committee report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

c. Academic Policy Committee

d. Calendar Committee

e. Faculty Development Committee

f. Grievance Committee

g. Library Committee

h. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

i. Program Review Committee

j. University Core Curriculum Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Admissions Committee

MOTION: Best Practices for Faculty Presentations at SHU Open House

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee

MOTION: Tuition Remission Resolution

c. Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee

MOTION: First Reading: Revised Article 10 of the Faculty Guide

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of February 14th, 2020

Beck Rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Interim Provost Dr. Karen Boroff

4. Communications from the Provost’s Office

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the January 24th, 2020 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Mobile Computing Proposal presentation: Mr. Stephen Graham, VP for Finance and Technology

9. Strategic Planning Committee Update presentation, Dr. Andrew Simon, Co-chair SPC, and Dr. Kurt Rotthoff, Member SPC

10. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

b. Faculty Development Committee report

c. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

MOTION: Faculty Guide Interpretation: Article 11.4

d. Graduate Studies Committee report

e. Instructional Technology Committee report

11. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

c. Academic Policy Committee

d. Admissions Committee

e. Calendar Committee

f. Grievance Committee

g. Library Committee

h. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

i. Program Review Committee

j. University Core Curriculum Committee

12. Committee Motions

a. Faculty Guide & By-laws Committee

MOTION: Faculty Guide Interpretation: Article 11.4

13. Old Business

14. New Business

15. Communications

The School of Diplomacy and International Relations has requested that the attached response to the provost’s reply to the school’s program review be shared with the Faculty Senate.

16. Adjournment

Meeting of January 24th, 2020

Beck Rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Interim Provost Dr. Karen Boroff

4. Communications from the Provost’s Office

  • SGA Report on the University’s Board of Regents
  • Resolution about the Language on Diplomas
  • Resolution Approving Change in the Name of the Counseling Psychology Degree

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the December 6th, 2019 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

  • University Committees 2019-2020
  • MOTION: In anticipation of a new capital campaign and to contribute to efforts to improve institutional fundraising, the Faculty Senate resolves to create an ad hoc Advancement and Relations Committee.

    The committee shall elect a senator from its members to be chairperson.

    In addition to faculty volunteers, the Executive Committee shall invite the Deans each to appoint a faculty member to the committee, so that they each have at least one designated representative to coordinate fundraising efforts and priorities.

    The charge of the committee is (1) to meet regularly with the Office of University Advancement and the Office of University Relations to discuss needs, priorities, and ideas and to help coordinate faculty support for and participation in Advancement and public relations efforts; (2) to collect and maintain an updated, organized list of funding priorities by department, independent program, college, and other academic units, including needs and potential ideas that might attract funding; and to share this list regularly with Advancement; (3) to identify and maintain a list of talented faculty interested, willing, and able to communicate a variety of academic initiatives to potential donors at lunches, dinners, and other events; (4) to report Advancement and University Relations initiatives, needs, and ideas to the faculty senate; and (5) generally to help foster the culture of giving necessary to improve Seton Hall University.

8. Special Visit: Sheila Wolfinger, Associate Vice President for Development

9. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

    • MOTION: Whereas Stillman students currently studying the interface between finance and information technology do so through an unstructured course plan drawing from select courses in Finance and CDS; Be it Resolved that the new B.S. in Business Finance and Technology (BFIT) is approved to provide an integrated curriculum for students concentrating in both Finance and CDS.

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

c. Graduate Studies Committee report

10. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

c. Academic Policy Committee

d. Admissions Committee

e. Calendar Committee

f. Faculty Development Committee

g. Faculty Guide and By-Laws Committee

h. Grievance Committee

i. Instructional Technology Committee

j. Library Committee

k. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

l. Program Review Committee

m. University Core Curriculum Committee

11. Committee Motions

a. Executive Committee

    • MOTION: In anticipation of a new capital campaign and to contribute to efforts to improve institutional fundraising, the Faculty Senate resolves to create an ad hoc Advancement and Relations Committee.

      The committee shall elect a senator from its members to be chairperson.

      The Executive Committee shall invite the Deans each to appoint a faculty member to the committee, so that they each have at least one designated representative to coordinate fundraising efforts and priorities.

      The charge of the committee is (1) to meet regularly with the Office of University Advancement and the Office of University Relations to discuss needs, priorities, and ideas and to help coordinate faculty support for and participation in Advancement and public relations efforts; (2) to collect and maintain an updated, organized list of funding priorities by department, independent program, college, and other academic units, including needs and potential ideas that might attract funding; and to share this list regularly with Advancement; (3) to identify and maintain a list of talented faculty interested, willing, and able to communicate a variety of academic initiatives to potential donors at lunches, dinners, and other events; (4) to report Advancement and University Relations initiatives, needs, and ideas to the faculty senate; and (5) generally to help foster the culture of giving necessary to improve Seton Hall University.

b. Academic Policy Committee

    • MOTION: Whereas Stillman students currently studying the interface between finance and information technology do so through an unstructured course plan drawing from select courses in Finance and CDS; Be it Resolved that the new B.S. in Business Finance and Technology (BFIT) is approved to provide an integrated curriculum for students concentrating in both Finance and CDS.

12. Old Business

13. New Business

14. Communications

15. Adjournment

Meeting of December 6th, 2019

1:00 pm

Beck Rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Interim Provost Dr. Karen Boroff

4. Communications from the Provost’s Office

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the November 8th, 2019 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

    • MOTION: Whereas the en passant M.A.E. in Counseling Psychology was overlooked in the recent changes to all master-level degrees in CEHS from M.A.E. to M.A.; Be it Resolved that the en passant M.A.E. in Counseling Psychology be renamed as the M.A. in Counseling Psychology.

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

c. Faculty Guide and By-Laws Committee report

d. Graduate Studies Committee report

e. Instructional Technology Committee report

f. Program Review Committee report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

c. Academic Policy Committee

d. Admissions Committee

e. Calendar Committee

f. Faculty Development Committee

g. Grievance Committee

h. Library Committee

i. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

j. University Core Curriculum Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

    • MOTION: Whereas the en passant M.A.E. in Counseling Psychology was overlooked in the recent changes to all master-level degrees in CEHS from M.A.E. to M.A.; Be it Resolved that the en passant M.A.E. in Counseling Psychology be renamed as the M.A. in Counseling Psychology.

b. Program Review Committee

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment

Meeting of November 8th, 2019

1:00 pm

NU 112


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Interim Provost Dr. Karen Boroff

4. Communications from the Provost’s Office

5. Approval of agenda

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the October 11th, 2019 meeting

7. Executive Committee Report

  • MOTION: The Executive Committee, based on survey results, recommends that we continue issuing the SHU diploma in Latin, but we are happy to reconsider if a majority of students ask us to do so.

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Facilities Committee Report

b. Academic Policy Committee Report

c. Admissions Committee Report

d. Compensation and Welfare Committee Report

e. Faculty Development Committee Report

f. Faculty Guide and By-Laws Committee Report

g. Graduate Studies Committee Report

h. Instructional Technology Committee Report

i. Library Committee Report

j. Program Review Committee Report

9. Committees with No Reports

a. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

b. Calendar Committee

c. Grievance Committee

d. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

e. University Core Curriculum Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Executive Committee

    • MOTION: The Executive Committee, based on survey results, recommends that we continue issuing the SHU diploma in Latin, but we are happy to reconsider if a majority of students ask us to do so.

b. Faculty Guide and By-Laws Committee

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment